If you are shortlisted, you will gain additional exposure for your work to a wider audience
You will also get the opportunity to network and collaborate with fellow contributing authors.
The anthology will be published and distributed by CLC Kenya, which is an endorsement of the contributing authors.
This is a good opportunity to use your calling to bring hope to readers during the uncertain pandemic season. Join us in this quest.
Our goal at CLC Kenya is to “honour God by making Christian literature and resources available and accessible to all nations, to help people come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.” This mandate is needed now more than ever during a time when our communities are suffering from the effect of Covid-19. This is a good opportunity to use your calling to bring hope to readers. Join us in this quest.
In addition to the impact, as a self-published author, you stand a chance to get additional exposure to a wider (and sometimes, new) audience.
The anthology will be published and distributed by CLC Kenya, which is an endorsement of the contributing authors. Your already published books will be further marketed through your profile which will appear in the Anthology.
You will also get the opportunity to network and collaborate with fellow contributing authors.
Entries must be by Christian authors from East Africa and be members of CLC Kenya’s Authors Collaboration and/or utilize CLC Kenya’s Print-On-Demand facility.
What is this year’s theme? ‘THRIVING IN AND DURING A CRISIS’ – interpreted any way you wish.
Are there categories? Yes. 1. Marriage 2. Solitude 3. Accountability 4. Youth 5. Loss of Income – Business and Employment 6. Parenting 7. Pastors & Ministry Workers 8. Integrity of God’s Promises 9. Mental Health(stress/Depression) 10. Book for Kids 11. Book for Teens
What does it cost to enter?
There are no fees required for this anthology submission.
CLC Kenya and it’s subsidiaries, Authors Collaboration and African Christian Authors Book Award are non-profit making organizations.
What are the prizes?
10 prize winners will receive up to Kes 10,000 each to be utilized on CLC Kenya’s Print-On-Demand facility.
Do I have to live in East Africa to take part? No. However, you need to have existing books or book programs in East Africa.
Can I write fewer than 5,000 or more than 10,000 words? We’re afraid not. Entries shorter than 5,000 words and longer than 10,000 words will be disqualified.
How should I format my story?
1. Accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation;
2. Single space left after full stops, colons, etc.;
3. Carefully consider titles and subtitles, and put in CAPITAL and in bold.
4. Each page should be numbered;
5. Cover page should bear (a) the title of your topic
(b) Description of the target readers
(c) Your full author name – this can be different from your legal names
(d) Your legal names – if different from ‘c’ above.
6. All text 12 point, Verdana (for judging – it’s easier to read);
7. Line spacing is 1.5;
8. No indentation on paragraphs.
My entry has been published online/in a magazine or blog. Can I submit it?
Congratulations! But please don’t submit any articles published elsewhere. Entries must be entirely your own work, and no part must have been previously published or broadcast in any format.
Can I submit an entry in any language other than English? Sorry, no – we can only consider entries written in English. We haven’t got the resources to translate stories and automatic translation will not do your entry any favours.
How do I send my entry (address, format, information)? You should send your entry to programs@cblafrica.com
Will I get a certificate for entering?
Sorry, no. However, all shortlisted authors will get a copy of the anthology of that year’s published paperback and ecopy.
Can I enter under a pen name? Yes, but we need to know your real name ourselves (we will not publish it) and be able to verify your real name and address if you are shortlisted. To enter under a pen name / pseudonym please use your pen name on your entry form and put your real name in brackets after it.
People who are committed to contribute towards building strong East African authors to impact Africa and the rest of the world by creating author-centric solutions.
National Director
CLC Kenya
R&D/Media Director
CLC Kenya
Head of Publishing & Programs
CLC Kenya
Head of Printing
CLC Kenya Print On Demand
Media Assistant
CLC Kenya
Administrative Assistant
CLC Kenya
Consulting Editor
CLC Kenya
African Christian Authors Book Award by CLC Kenya
African Christian Authors Book Award by CLC Kenya
We make Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We appreciate all the anthology’s stakeholders for enabling us to develop Christian authorship in East Africa.