In this book, Pastor John has finally confirmed what everyone has been thinking in their silence; breaking generational curses is a scam. You can’t break a curse, it is not possible . You can only break free from generational curses. In the 7 chapters of this book, it is meticulously demonstrated with indisputable scriptural evidence that God’s way is to break people free from generational curses. In Christ we are afforded the grace to die to our old DNA and be born again into newness of life. Next, we are called to reckon ourselves to be blessed and walk boldly in the consciousness of our new identity. We are called to walk in blessedness. This revelation will set many free from the bondage of generational curses and the terror that comes from the rituals of curse breakers. Freedom from generational curses does not come through the performance of rituals, the raising of altars, or making financial sacrifices. In Christ, we receive everything – salvation, anointing, power, freedom- all freely by grace alone, through faith alone. If or when we give our finances, it is an expression of our worship. With God , freedom is free!