Breaking the Barriers:Empowered Girlchild

Breaking the Barriers; Empowered Girl Child is Evelyne Mwakina’s remarkable journey from humble beginnings in Taita Taveta County to Corporate Affairs and Communications Manager at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. Her story embodies faith, determination, and resilience, inspiring future generations for a better tomorrow. Her steadfast commitment to good governance, integrity, and…

No Crib for bed

In a world where hope can seem distant, a baby left on a concrete bench by his mother finds solace not in a crib, but in the compassion of strangers. Even in the most challenging circumstances, miracles take a little time to unfold, reminding us of the power of kindness…

Marked Unto the High Calling

Marked Unto The High Calling “Marked Unto the High Calling” is a book that aims to release emotions, anger, pain, and victories, allowing readers to live according to their purpose. It encourages readers to embrace their true identity, despite the societal pressure to accept body deformities. The book encourages reflection…

His Story My Life

His Story, My Life, is a fantastic journey of a woman who has gone through a roller coaster of life. Her courage and candid talk about her life were just as inspiring as the story itself. Zinhle immediately brings the reader into her personal space right from the beginning of…

Shero by Grace

Although she came from a dysfunctional family, her mother was hard working, determined and wise. Although they were needy and had to live through difficult circumstances, Julianne Susanne was focused, disciplined and intelligent. By God’s grace, she is where she is today and looking forward to greater heights. In SHERO…

Dancing In The Rain

Welcome to, Dancing in the rain In Dancing in the Rain, Stephen takes readers on a remarkable journey through the highs and lows of his battle with cancer. Far from a sombre tale, this memoir is infused with humour as Stephen navigates the challenges of his diagnosis and treatment with…

Coping With Identity Crisis

Welcome to, Coping with the Identity crisis What causes an Identity Crisis? An identity crisis is a developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world. Identity involves beliefs, values, and memories that make up a subjective sense of self. So, a person…