Site Software: 01 Children 0-12 years
David The Great King
This delightful story is a delightful rendition of a well-known Bible story that teaches children important lessons about courage in the face of adversity and not allowing oneself to be restricted by one’s limitations. Young readers will enjoy the main protagonist’s sense of adventure and will be inspired by David’s…
Robbie The Raven and Debbie The Dove
Robbie the Raven and Debbie the Dove offers a unique take on one of the most well-known and popular of the Bible stories. Viewed from a refreshing new angle as seen through the eyes of two high-flying friends, the story addresses the importance of patience, obedience and trusting in God,…
The Boy Who Forgot His Lunch
Welcome to, The Boy Who Forgot His Lunch The book teaches children lessons about not allowing anger to get the best of them and teaches children about the need for awareness of the help of Holy Spirit in their activities.
Christian Learns God’s Rule
Welcome to, Christian Learns God’s Rule. Christian Learns God’s Rules is a story about the Greatest two Laws and the Ten Commandments. Sometimes children find it difficult to understand some Bible teachings. Christian Learns God’s Rules in the first publications in a Children Bible Stories’ series, meant to help children…
Our Generous Father God
This is a book that awakens a child’s awareness to the constant presence of our God and Heavenly Father not only through His creation but also through His relational love and care. They can relate with Him! It is written in poetic rhyme and imagery understood by children and has…
The Story Of Favour
Join the exciting adventure of the story of Favour. This is an interesting account of the parable that Jesus told about the lost sheep. Meet Favour, a curious and cunning sheep who is separated from the herd. Follow the adventures as he faces challenges and discovers the unwavering love of…
The Story Of A Warrior
Meet a Warrior unlike any other. He walked on earth like a normal person but was so strong which surprised even His friends. This Warrior invites you to travel with Him, as you discover the power of His Word and Love.
Adventures Of Pendo and Jasiri
We all remember how our first day at school was. For many it was an unforgettable nightmare, to some a thrilling experience , but for Pendo it can only be summed up by one word. Supernatural. Get a copy today to find out more on how the events of that…