


Lydia Chola-Waiyaki is a born-again Christian and she lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a member of Eagles Faith Christian Center, a non-denominational church located in the city of Nairobi. She is an award-winning Author and Associate Pastor. She authored a few books, these are some of her titles; ‘A Journey with Christ,’ ‘A Journey with Christ Part 2,’ ‘A Journey with Christ for Teenagers’ and a series of children’s books titled – ‘A Journey with Christ for Children’ book one to seven. Before becoming an author, Lydia worked for a United States non-governmental organization based in Nairobi. Since her first book, Lydia has ministered in many churches, schools, home-fellowships and television interviews.

Lydia’s first book ‘A Journey with Christ’ that placed her into the writing space. It is based on a true story, a testimony about how our Lord Jesus visited her young son and nephew through dreams, visions and supernatural encounters. Jesus showed them heaven and they got to see the Throne room of God Almighty, the streets of gold, the exquisite mansions, angels and other exciting activities that go on in heaven. They were also shown hell and they saw the torments, the unquenchable fire, ‘the worms that do not die’ and experienced the hopelessness of those damned souls. Lydia has enjoyed writing and talking about these books because the stories came from our Lord Jesus and she has shared these amazing, breathtaking encounters in this book.

Lydia’s prayer is that all will come to know the true God and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

She is a member of Eagles Faith Christian Centre, a non-denominational church located in the city of Nairobi.

Books by Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


In this book Lydia brings insight about life and the afterlife. You will read about the intrigues of time and how it all began. You will get a glimpse of several events that must take place in the history of mankind as foretold in the Scriptures. Every human being has been allotted time on this planet. In verse 5 of Job chapter 14, “Man’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.”

The Bible teaches us that God has knowledge of the specific number of days we will live. God’s plan involves the day we were to be born and the day we are to die. This knowledge should help us be wise and live our lives in righteousness and be fruitful in every way. This book was written to help people find a live that is meaningful, fruitful, joyful and exhilarating as it explains God’s plan for man for his time on earth and into eternity. Lydia explains why it is important to involve God in every decision pertaining to this life.

It is important to ask yourself these questions:

  • When life on this side is over, where will I spend eternity?
  • How am I spending the days that God has numbered for me?
  • What am I doing with my God-given gifts and talents?

Lydia gives further insights into eternity and addresses more important questions such as:

  • Are human beings made of spirit, soul and body?
  • Are heaven and hell real places?
  • Is reincarnation truth or deception?
  • Are Near-Death-Experiences proof of an afterlife?
  • Will there be a day of judgement in eternity?

When you take your last breath here on earth, those who believe in Christ Jesus and have lived a righteous life, begin eternal life in heaven. Those who rejected Christ face eternal damnation to hellfire. Death is not the end of life but the beginning of the afterlife which is eternal. Life on earth is just a preparation for eternity. God has placed an awareness in our hearts that the spirit lives forever.

There is something more than this transitory world.

A Journey With Christ for Teenagers

A Journey with Christ for Teenagers is a must-read for today’s teens. It is dynamic and highly informative, and challenges today’s worldly views. The book answer teenagers’ myriad questions and explains the spiritual and physical consequences of destructive behaviour. While targeted at teenagers, this book is a helpful guide for all –  parents and teenagers alike.

This book answer teenagers’ myriad questions, and explains the spiritual and physical consequences of some destructive spiritual practices.


This book exposes the snares of the enemy against our children. It uncovers the dangers of demonic cartoons, evil movies, traps of magic, Satan in Halloween, ungodly music and movies, hazardous internet sites, and many other topics. Both parents and children need to be vigilant to ensure that they are not exposed to ways that will lead them to destruction. The little ones will find their way to a joyous, righteous and fruitful life. The children will learn about the love of God and His salvation laced with the Word of God plus astounding stories & testimonies with colorful, fun pictures. This is a must read for children of all ages.

A Journey With Christ

Lydia was seated on her bed reading her Bible on an ordinary August morning, oblivious of what she was about to hear and what would become her life from that day forward.

Her son and nephew rushed into her bedroom. Her son was shouting, “Mum, there were two angels at the gate at night!” Her son was six years old at the time. He held her face and said, “I know the names of the two angels. They are called Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael.”

The two boys went on to say that Angel Michael was at the right side of the gate and was holding his sword facing upwards, while angel Gabriel was on the left side of the gate and had his sword pointing downwards.

She was amazed! How did they know the names of these two mighty archangels? Instantly, she realized that her son had had a supernatural encounter, together with his five-year-old cousin! This was the beginning of a series of incredible journeys with Jesus Christ.

This book records their breathtaking trips to heaven and hell, their conversations with God the Father, their encounters with angels, relatives they met in heaven, and even the twenty-four elders who worship before the Throne of God all day and all night.

These encounters will reveal to you how God is using children to bring home the simple truth that the Bible is the Word of God, heaven is real, and the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ, His Son.

Connect With Lydia Chola-Waiyaki


Facebook: Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

LinkedIn: Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

Twitter (X): Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

YouTube: Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

Instagram: Journeys_with_Christ

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