


Lydia Chola-Waiyaki is a born-again Christian who lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a member of Eagles Faith Christian Centre, a non-denominational church located in the city of Nairobi.

Books by Lydia Chola-Waiyaki

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


This book exposes the snares of the enemy against our children. It uncovers the dangers of demonic cartoons, evil movies, traps of magic, Satan in Halloween, ungodly music and movies, hazardous internet sites, and many other topics. Both parents and children need to be vigilant to ensure that they are not exposed to ways that will lead them to destruction. The little ones will find their way to a joyous, righteous and fruitful life. The children will learn about the love of God and His salvation laced with the Word of God plus astounding stories & testimonies with colorful, fun pictures. This is a must read for children of all ages.

Other books by Lydia Chola -Waiyaki.

Lydia was seated on her bed reading her Bible on an ordinary August morning, oblivious of what she was about to hear and what would become her life from that day forward. Her son and nephew rushed into her bedroom. Her son was shouting, “Mum, there were two angels at the gate at night!” Her son was six years old at the time. He held her face and said, “I know the names of the two angels. They are called Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael.” The two boys went on to say that Angel Michael was at the right side of the gate and was holding his sword facing upwards, while angel Gabriel was on the left side of the gate and had his sword pointing downwards. She was amazed! How did they know the names of these two mighty archangels? Instantly, she realized that her son had had a supernatural encounter, together with his five-year-old cousin! This was the beginning of a series of incredible journeys with Jesus Christ. This book records their breathtaking trips to heaven and hell, their conversations with God the Father, their encounters with angels, relatives they met in heaven, and even the twenty-four elders who worship before the Throne of God all day and all night. These encounters will reveal to you how God is using children to bring home the simple truth that the Bible is the Word of God, heaven is real, and the only way to get there is through Jesus Christ, His Son.

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Writing Journey


Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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