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9 days ago

This friendly, easy-to-read book offers a more optimistic future for sexually abused survivors who are exposed and feels naked . The writer has expressed that acceptance and awareness are some of the foundations that enable the start of the recovery journey to be “clothed “. Also crucial at the early stages are a desire to move forwards and the support of others.These help readers liberate themselves from the chains of their past and move forwards to greater fulfillment.Thanks Nenoh for writing such a book at such a time when the world is hurting and wondering who to turn to . The journalling part is simply the best given that the reader is given an opportunity to reflect his/her journey with God and amazing how this was so personal for me ! it brought the relationship closer than ever .. and made look so easy .Thanks Nenoh

Kalule Fredrick
Kalule Fredrick
21 days ago
Joy Gichuru
Joy Gichuru
22 days ago

Pastor Edward Munene is my pastor and a man after God’s heart.His writing is practical and resonates with our daily lives.
1.Anchor gave me direction in life.
2.Intentional parenting causes me to parent with the goal of raising an adult and not a kid.
3.Financial freedom has made me look at money with the eye of a steward hence i account to God on how i invest,earn and spend
His teachings and manuals should reach the world..impactful!

kyomukama Merab
kyomukama Merab
27 days ago

It’s such an interesting books to always read

Stella Nabukomeko
Stella Nabukomeko
1 month ago


1 month ago

Christine Kyayonka is someone I have known for more than 15 years. She is an “open book”, beautiful inside out. Not only is she very kind, but empowers others to fish. She gives people all tools and materials needed, but challenges them to get the fish themselves. Little wonder she can write about her husband because she is the only one who could give an accurate account of The Fearless Leader – a dedicated leader of his time who left a clean record both in his private life and public life.

Rest well Ivan. Tina, go girl and write more books to educate and change the world. Like you always tell us, you will surely serve your heavenly Father until the end.

Cheers!Christine Kyayonka is someone I have known for more than 15 years. She is an “open book”, beautiful inside out. Not only is she very kind, but empowers others to fish. She gives people all tools and materials needed, but challenges them to get the fish themselves. Little wonder she can write about her husband because she is the only one who could give an accurate account of The Fearless Leader – a dedicated leader of his time who left a clean record both in his private life and public life.

Rest well Ivan. Tina, go girl and write more books to educate and change the world. Like you always tell us, you will surely serve your heavenly Father until the end.


Caroline jerop
Caroline jerop
1 month ago

I love the book of the promises of God 🙏.God is really great

1 month ago

Ameria’s book Copying with the Identy Criss is a must read,whether, black,white or mixed race, the book touches all souls

1 month ago

I nominating Ms Ameria Mastiko for the great book,that she wrote ” Copying with Identity Criss,she is very reliant and brave,she has touched the hearts of many people who have been discriminated against because of their colour

1 month ago

Ameria this is great work keep it up

Zipporah Kwamboka Wambua
Zipporah Kwamboka Wambua
2 months ago

The book is a testimony of God’s faithfulness

Francis wahika
Francis wahika
2 months ago

Great tool in God’s hands

2 months ago

I love the book so very much it’s interesting

2 months ago

I love the book so much

2 months ago

I love the book so much… Very interesting

2 months ago

Good evening. Do you support christian writers to publish?

2 months ago
Reply to  JOYCE

Hello Joyce, yes we do. Please talk to Jackline for assitance +254 707 463007

Dr. Jebet Olero
Dr. Jebet Olero
3 months ago

“Discover the power of words to uplift and inspire! This book is a beacon of encouragement, offering a treasure trove of wisdom and motivation. Dive into its pages and let its words breathe new life into your spirit. Reading is not just a pastime; it’s a source of strength and hope. Grab a copy today and let its pages fuel your journey!”

Sserunkuma Martha
Sserunkuma Martha
3 months ago

It’s a blessing knowing you pastor Grace. This is a powerful testimony… May it bless many around the world. God bless you more.

4 months ago

This book is inspiring and reminds us to wait and trust in God Thankyou Dr Beatrice Ongeri

Sylvia mmbone
Sylvia mmbone
4 months ago

Beatrice book speak of her journey of faith and trust in God in difficult moments. Her testimony alone is an encouragement to many that indeed the promises of God never fails

4 months ago


4 months ago

I thank God for helping Beatrice to write such an inspiring story. May her testimony build up someone’s faith. Indeed God is a promise keeping God and His faithfulness never fail.

4 months ago

Grateful to God for this chance to celebrate our Christian writers. Blessings and great work. All glory to the most High and Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏

David W. Mutisya
2 years ago

Glad to be in this great company.

Joyce Maina
2 years ago

To God be all glory. Great things He is doing.

Joyce Maina
2 years ago
Reply to  Joyce Maina

Thank you very much for organizing African Authors Network. The loneliness of the author has disappeared; to the glory of God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit.

Angela Nsimbi
2 years ago

Alan thanks alot for the compliment. Truly appreciated.

Noreen Asekenye
3 years ago

Glad to be on this amazing platform with amazing writers as you all.

Drileba Dratibi Daniel



Jane Harel
2 years ago

Thank you

Musinguzi Begumisa
3 years ago

Glad to be part of this platform!

Pst. Hadassah Rosalind

Thank you

Dr. Sammy Gitaari
3 years ago


Olaolu Soetan
Olaolu Soetan
1 year ago

I don’t wether this platform still exist. I’m looking for sponsorship of my book

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