
Solomon Gitau


Solomon Gitau is the team leader at GLC – a Christian organization that rescues and rehabilitates alcoholics and drug addicts through the word of God. The organization places special emphasis on adult men whose addictions have driven them to living in the streets. Having been a homeless addict living in the streets of Nairobi at one point in his life, despite his affluent upbringing, he is now an author and a speaker on mental wellness and the role it plays in alcohol and drug addiction issues in Kenya especially among the youth.

Books by Solomon Gitau

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


The book title “Chokora” is derived from the derogatory term often used to address anyone living on the streets, irrespective of age or even gender. Through this heart-rending story, the author takes us on a journey through the twists and turns of a privileged but confusing upbringing, his “harmless experiments” with alcohol as a teenager and eventual addiction. Then through the denial and blame games that followed, before the devastating consequences of alcoholism eventually rendered him homeless. Forced to live in the streets of Nairobi, he experiences firsthand, the indignities and inhumane conditions of those living there. Treated as scum, he seeks ways to adjust to this life until in utter desperation, he attempts suicide. This attempt fails, and convinced he is the epitome of failure, finally resigns to await death in whatever form it will come. It is in the midst of these dark and daunting circumstances, that God finds and restores him, proving that with God, ALL things are possible. The story of alcoholism and drug addictions is far too common in our society and this book is a clarion call for us to come together and actively address this scourge, before it completely destroys our society. harder to smile

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Writing Journey


Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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