It’s no secret that the church today has lost its influence in culture.
But why? With the technology, affluence, and knowledge we have today, why are we less effective than the first-century church – which didn’t have social media or fancy buildings or professional pastors or even religious freedom?
What are we missing?
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It’s no secret that the church today has lost its influence in culture.
But why? With the technology, affluence, and knowledge we have today, why are we less effective than the first-century church – which didn’t have social media or fancy buildings or professional pastors or even religious freedom?
What are we missing?
Seize Today by John Mason
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Your New Identity (Victory Series Book #2): A Transforming Union with God by Neil .T Anderson
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The Gift of Prophetic Encouragement – Hearing the Words of God for Others by Debbe Kitterman
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Have a new Kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman
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This Isn’t The Life I Signed Up For by Donna Partow
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The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
KSh1,390 Add to cart