The Best Path to Success Series: Bubba, Happy & Pal

The main characters are Bubba, Happy and Pal. The children lived a modest life style with their parents. Their home was surrounded by beautiful environment. They went to school, helped their parents with house chores, visited sick people, helped the needy, cared for God’s creation, reconciled with their enemies, went on adventure, played, competed and won medals. Episode 1: Living modestly and making the best out of life. Their dad was not so rich, but they were comfortable with the little things he bought them. They made sure their home was neat and clean. It was beautiful. When they needed to eat, mum served them just enough and saved some. Their dad was humble and they respected him. They used their time well and spared some to talk to God. When time for school came, they would go early to learn and also live on time to go home and help mum. Episode 2: Behaving well towards people and the environment brings us joy, but bad behaviour brings sadness. Wherever they were, Bubba, Happy and Pal respected life. They avoided hurting the lowliest even the grass. In return it flourished and made their life good. Even merely seeing a cross hanging in the car, triggered their desire to live a life of good deeds like Jesus did. They gave support to the elderly, visited the sick, fed animals, watered plants and washed their clothes. When they came across needy people, they helped. When an ill mannered boy abused Happy, she met him one day and forgave him. Happy remained focused even when the ill mannered boy looked at her awkwardly. Episode 3: Our life gets better with time, if we’re patient and continue doing the right thing. When fear and worry over her children struck, mum was patient and they returned home safely. She referred to her children as a rising sun. They gave her hope for a bright new day. They had fun together. Soon, grandmother who had taken long without visiting them also showed up with lots of gifts. Dad got an opportunity to slaughter a chicken after a long time. They had an unforgettable super with grandmother. They had an opportunity to visit the zoo and take photos in the studio. Episode 4: Life is an adventure, we learn by seeing. We also learn by experience when we read/hear people’s stories. After all the experience and fun they had had, Bubba’s mind exploded with good ideas. He wrote down his idea and it won him a medal in the story writing competition. His victory brought joy to his siblings and the family. They continued to live a successful life but not all people were happy about their successes. The second season with four exciting episodes then ended.

Audience: Late childhood to early teens (09-13)

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