Like The Days of Noah and Lot

Contrary to what the globalists and those who are pro-Anti-Christ think, or are planning, The Great Reset which emerged in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic is a tool in the hand of God to bring things and global events forward. The question now is, are you ready for a changing world? Are you ready for the days of Noah and Lot?
The days of Noah and Lot are like every other day in our human existence. However, because the words and realities around those days, spoken of by Christ were tied to the transitioning of the First World to the Second, and also to how they mirror the coming transition from this Second World to the Third, it becomes very important for every man to know and understand what the coming days are going to be like. The Bible calls that much-anticipated epoch, the days of the Son of Man, and characterizes them by the activities of the people:
They were eating and drinking;
They were marrying and giving in marriage;
They were buying and selling;
They were building;
They were planting;
They were grinding; and
Homosexuality was on the increase.
In other words, they were having fun till the flood of the Second World came and took them all away.
This book provides necessary insight and a glimpse into what the next transition will look like, the mindset needed by the Overcomers and how they can prepare in the midst of today’s reality.
And as Reverend Dr Simon J. Oriedo (A Priest to the Anglican Church of Kenya) puts it when he wrote the foreword for this book, he wrote “I just pray that many will refer to this book, use it, and just enjoy it. If the Biblical stories have been retold until people have gotten used to them, then they better grab this book. It has made those Biblical stories a reality. He has made them jump out of the written word, and into day-to-day life, by capturing realities that affect us in one way or another. I love the presentation of the choices that one is faced with and that the one they choose to settle with is personal, but the reminder that our choices have consequences, determining where one will spend eternity.”

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