I consider myself as a professional in administration, harnessing my Intrapreneurship skills whereby I develop ideas, innovations and techniques into solid plans that benefit the environment I work in.
My interests are in the area of Health and Wellness, and Intrapreneurship Administration. I have academic qualifications in the area of Public administration and Sociology (Degree-UON), Healthcare Management (Diploma-Management University of Africa), a Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT) from The School of Acology (Scotland) and Certifications and training as a Mental Health Champion from East African Institute of Professional Counselling.

Books by Helen Matarimo
“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

“As easy as a Sunday morning!” Is how we expect our lives to unfold. Unfortunately, in most cases, for a majority of us, that is rarely the case. Personally, life for me has been a series of events that have left me either baffled, perplexed, confused …. please help me feel the adjectives, you likely know what am talking about and as I searched around for answers, I realized that I was surrounded by equally searching individuals. I therefore decided to change my direction of searching by looking towards the hill where my help comes from, to seek the One who is the creator of heaven and earth, the Alpha and Omega of the universe. In this journey of seeking, I danced like David danced, I sang like Deborah and Miriam, I washed my soul with the word of Life and with each passing moment started experiencing Love, seeing Light, and living a Life I thought never existed.
Connect With Helen Matarimo

Impacting Lives With Christian Literature
CLC Kenya Ministries