Discovering True Love: A Faith-Fueled Odyssey by Margaret Gitahi

I am thrilled to be among such a talented group of authors today.

My name is Margaret Wangechi Gitahi. I come to this gathering with a passion for both the written word and the guiding light of faith. It has not always been this way. I am not a talented writer, and no one has ever mentioned to me that I could write. I just put what the Lord put in my heart down, and here I am. What can’t God do? As a born-again Christian, I have found immense joy in exploring the theme of relating with God as our Father in my book, “Relating with God as Our Father: The Journey to True Love.

Through the lens of faith, I delve into the profound relationship we can cultivate with our Creator, highlighting the path to discovering true love and purpose. I have struggled with this topic myself, having lost my father as a young girl and growing up with hostile male figures around me. God found me, and after He asked me to do this work, I surely felt inadequate, and I put it off for a long time. But I thank God, my Father now, for what He has enabled to happen so far and what He has done to my life. I have found love, acceptance, and fulfillment, and am still looking out for more from Him.

Beyond my role as an author, I am also a financial advisor, helping individuals navigate their financial journeys with wisdom and stewardship. My dedication to guiding others extends to my role as a mother of two wonderful children, who inspire me daily with their curiosity and wonder.

I am deeply honored to share this space with all of you, fellow authors who breathe life into stories and ideas. May our time together be filled with inspiration, camaraderie, and the joy of storytelling.

Thank you.

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[…] Discovering True Love: A Faith-Fueled Odyssey by Dr. Margaret Gitahi […]

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