
Joshua Muia

Joshua is a Kenyan Author and a Life Coach. He is also a motivational speaker University, VA, USA.  

Books by Joshua Muia

The Power Of The Spoken Word

Words create and words demolish. Words heal or words wound. It’s naive to think that our words can be neutral. Not only do words affect the fortunes of others , they also determine our own outcomes. If we are patient with ourselves and people around us, and speak with grace to inspire hope, soon the human soul soon catches up and reflects the power of our affirming words. The reverse is also true. In this book, Joshua relates the results of our lives to the nature of words we feed on. He demonstrates how we can train ourselves to speak life and prosperity, and live to reap the fruits.  

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2 months ago

Congratulations Joshua for your resilient pursuit of personal development. Your books play a crucial role in the becoming of people

Ruth Oduor
Ruth Oduor
3 months ago

Congratulations Joshua for your book “The Power of the Spoken Word “. May the Lord perfect that which concerns you!

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