
Daniel Choudry

Daniel Choudry is the lead trainer and foundingDirector for Daniel Choudry Sales Institute. He has been in the skilling and training field for ten (10) years now. Author of four (4) books in the area of Sales andCustomer Experience that is The Practical Sales Book,Become a Sales Superstar & Dominate Your Market, The Warrior’s Productivity Planner, and The Sales Warrior’s Daily Planner.

He is a chartered technical expert for EuropeanInvestment Bank-sponsored trainings in twenty (20)African Countries and has conducted training programs and sales strategy consultancy in several corporate companies listed on the last page of this proposal.

The Sales Warrior holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, a Marketing major from Makerere University, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from McMaster University Canada(student exchange program with Makerere University Business School.

Books by Daniel Choudry

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Become a Sales Superstar and Dominate your market

This book’s focus is majorly on the practical execution of the critical activities that make great sales warriors. It’s simply written with practical concepts that Daniel Choudry has personally used over the years to become an exceptional salesperson and consultant today!

Connect with Daniel Choudry

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

IG: @danielchoudry
FB: choudrydaniels
X: @ChoudryDaniel

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Ruth Oduor
Ruth Oduor
5 months ago

Hey Daniel, thanks for this amazing book. How much is a copy?

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
6 months ago

Amazing writing journey and exemplary work @⁨ Daniel C⁩houdry 👏. I can see you are dominating in the area of sales and marketing. I will need to tap into this grace and I am glad to be part of the ACABA 2024. You have come in handy as an inspiration to me specifically. Congratulations on your nomination 👏🎉

Walter Katorotorwa
Walter Katorotorwa
8 months ago

I got an opportunity to read his book titled BECOME A SALES SUPERSTAR AND DOMINATE YOUR MARKET.

Ever since, tactical sales skills have taken me places and meet different people because am able to sell myself out there at any time and moment.

This is a must read for every business minded individual.

Bonny Kimera
Bonny Kimera
8 months ago

Become a sales superstar and dominate your market is a one practical and highly relatable read that stresses and shares real experiences from the African context,you all have read books that were’nt applicable from where you carry out business,for this one,it’s home based , concepts and insights that work here in our economic environment

I can only say that it’s tested and proven to be a significant go to power source for any business person engaged in the day today drills of business development

No doubt,you wanna check it out!

Phionah. K
Phionah. K
8 months ago

The sales superstar is a must have for everyone whether in sales or not.
I learnt that when I read the book, educative and very practical.
Great job 👍Daniel.
Thank you for impacting the business world with your skill and expertise.

Last edited 8 months ago by Phionah. K
Persist M.Businge
Persist M.Businge
8 months ago

His book is a well of Wisdom. Daniel shares practical solutions to becoming a resilient sales warrior with examples and lessons from his life. You need this book if you haven’t read it. Thank you Daniel for sharing your experience with the rest of the world.

Buyungo James Morris
Buyungo James Morris
8 months ago

This is a powerful message fuel to the inner man

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