Gatekeepers and Watchmen: Equipping the Body of Christ for Spiritual Warfare

My name is Colleen Mapatwana.

My writing journey started in 2014 when I wrote my first book titled, “Set that woman free”. I never knew that I had it in me to be an author and I never planned to write a book but the Lord put in me a zeal to read Christian books first since 2011, I would literally buy books every month and read them not knowing that I was being prepared by the Lord, for you can’t be a writer without reading.

I was a professional nurse busy with my masters degree when the Lord called me to full time ministry in 2012 then in 2013 December I was ordained as a Pastor. When I stepped into pastoring a church in 2014 that’s when I received a calling and an anointing to preach and teach the people of God through writing of books. When the Holy Spirit dropped my first tittle in my spirit I thought I was preparing a message to share with women but I wrote almost half of my diary until I took a note book and the Holy Spirit said, “We are writing a book”, that’s how my journey started.

Coming to this book that I am nominated for, “Gatekeepers and watchmen”. It is my 9th published book even though I have others in the pipeline that I have not published yet, and have other 2 Christian anthologies that I am featured in published in 2024 including the Favored Woman Devotional published by CLC on Mother’s day this year.

The Lord led me to write about spiritual warfare in 2022 and my first book on the topic, Like a Soldier in the Army won in ACABA 2022 under Christian Living Category. Gatekeepers and watchmen is the 4th published book on the topic, I even started a School of Soldiers offering three months online course where we train brethren on spiritual warfare, we graduated about 33 candidates as our first cohort in May this year.

Gatekeepers and Watchmen first introduces Christians to the gates of God and the gates of the enemy, it explains the meaning behind and the difference between gatekeepers and watchmen and also explains who becomes a gatekeepers and watchmen and how. Then it further explores the gates to destinies, territories and nations. Who qualifies to stand on the gates of God and who guards the gates of the devil and how to possess and dismantle the gates of the enemy.

This book is for the body of Christ especially those individuals that are willing to engage in spiritual warfare, to terrorise and destroy the camp of the enemy. It gives guidance on how to do it and dangers of standing at the gates when the enemy attacks. It is an eye opener for those people that are dealing with ancestry and territorial altars. It equips brethren with skills on how to use the weapons at their disposal.

I am giving this book for free on amazon until Monday, you can go and download it and please leave me a review after reading it both in my ACABA page and Amazon 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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