- +254733817962
- admin@kenyaclc.org
- Adams Arcade. Nairobi. Kenya
A Message from Outgoing 2021 ACABA Chairman, Brian Prince
My passion for building a generation of voracious leaders and learners, stems apparent deficit of sufficient documentation and transference of knowledge from previous generations in Africa to subsequent generations. With a healthy reading culture, Africa would have a generation of people who are hungry for information making it possible to normalize passing down an inheritance of original, contextual knowledge and wisdom which is priceless. This will eliminate the apparent vacuum that causes successive generations to resort to western solutions and values which sometimes are not fit for the context. When Africa reads, Africa breathes.
One of the things that I felt God was setting up with aACABA was a gateway for African authors to the rest of the globe – aside from elevating the pedigree of writing. Reason being, He has poured out new wine. With the newly formed partnerships abroad, it is such a burning bush moment…🙌
On behalf of the ACABA core team, I would like to thank you all so much for your demonstrated committment to writing in excellence and for your yielding to the Spirit of God to this cause. Thank you to all nominees, supporters, core team, the judges, CLC and all partners for your tremendous support.
We thank God that we were able to have our inaugural ACABa Gala Awards last year which had a lot of great highlights as well as great lessons. We have received great reports from many of you who have been impacted and inspired by the awards program. We are looking forward to continue and even up the ante on subsequent installments of the program.
With that said and on a personal note, I am greatly honoured to have steered the ship for the first edition of it and now we get to have Pst Samuel Mwinamo pick it up and lead us for this year. I know we will be in good shape and I trust that we shall continue gaining momentum even as we keep our eyes on the ball.
My last word to all the authors is this. We know through Paul that, “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe…” (Romans 1:16). It may appear foolish to human wisdom but we are evidence of its efficacy. We also know that the gospel is a specific message, and that Yeshua is at its centre.
May we write/build skillfully with the understanding that a future generation will be greatly shaped by our writings. And as such, allow the power of God to transform nations.
May we keep the main things main and not prioritize everything because when everything is prioritized then nothing is.
“For Christ must reign until He has put all His enemies under his feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:25).
To the next level
A Message from Incoming 2022 ACABA Chairman, Samwel Mwinamo
I am Samuel Mwinamo Asena, Author of Blessed to be a Blessing, Founder of Optimize Institute and Pastor at Redemption Sanctuary City Center. I write, create courses, coaching and consulting programs on Optimization/Leverage. My Organization and I are friends of CLC Kenya and co-labourers in the Vineyard of Christ for His Glory.
Arising from this working relationship, when I was asked to fill the shoes of leading the Digital Team planning for ACABA 2021, I was more than willing to offer myself. This was not because I was the most qualified for the role. I accepted because I knew that with God, I would be able to deliver on the mandate. It was an exciting journey of discovery to lead the first ever ACABA Digital Communication Team. We did a lot of new things, trying different formats of communication to get word out.
I celebrate the team that worked tirelessly in coming up with ideas, creating the content, sharing it out and ensuring constant engagement with those who were following the conversation. The authors, partners and other stakeholders also made it easy for us by providing what we required of them to enable us carry out our mandate. We had a few challenges on D-day with regard to streaming the event live but by and large we sailed through and had a successful event. This was a time of growth for me as a leader and for the team as well.
I am excited and looking forward to what this team will achieve in this new year under the stewardship of the new Team Leader for Digital Communication, Adnah McKenna.Â
As I transition into the new responsibility of chairing the ACABA Planning Committees, I accept it with a lot of humility. I realize the enormity of the task but I am encouraged because of God’s presence with me as I go along. Like David, I will say the God who was with me at ACABA Digital Communication will also go with me as I embark on this new assignment.
With the lessons learnt by the team that ran the first Awards Gala, I know we have a foundation to build upon. We will be careful to build on this foundation with the right material knowing that this is God’s work which must be done God’s way. I expect us to raise the standards given that the bar was set high by the inaugural team.
We are counting on the support of the authors, partners and all other stakeholders in getting this job over the line. My rallying call is for everyone to take up their position, own it and deliver to the best of their ability because that is what God asks of us (Ecclesiastes 9:10).
We have a responsibility to inculcate a reading culture in Africa and must look at ACABA through this lens. ACABA is about raising the standards of African Christian Authorship and shedding a spotlight on those at the forefront of doing so through their works. We must all see ourselves as winners at the end of the day because this is more than recognizing the best awardees in all categories but challenging everyone to up their game.
I finish by encouraging all 2022 nominees to enjoy the journey by focusing on it and not just the final destination. There is a lot of value to be gleaned along the way and you would do well to tap into it. I am excited and greatly honored to serve you all and learn in the process.
A Message from Incoming 2022 ACABA Digital Communication Team, Abiah Adnah McKenna
My passion for building a generation of voracious leaders and learners, stems apparent deficit of sufficient documentation and transference of knowledge from previous generations in Africa to subsequent generations. With a healthy reading culture, Africa would have a generation of people who are hungry for information making it possible to normalize passing down an inheritance of original, contextual knowledge and wisdom which is priceless. This will eliminate the apparent vacuum that causes successive generations to resort to western solutions and values which sometimes are not fit for the context. When Africa reads, Africa breathes.
One of the things that I felt God was setting up with aACABA was a gateway for African authors to the rest of the globe – aside from elevating the pedigree of writing. Reason being, He has poured out new wine. With the newly formed partnerships abroad, it is such a burning bush moment…🙌
A Message from Outgoing 2021 ACABA Authors' Administrator, Jackline Ingasian
My name is Jackline Ingasian, Programs Coordinator at CLC Kenya, and the Secretary of African Christian Authors Book Awards( ACABA).Â
My experience in being the Secretary for ACABA 2021 has been that of growth through every assignment brought my way, engaging the authors not just in them submitting their books for the just finished ACABA Gala but also the journey which has enabled 74 authors see authorship from a different eye. A journey of growing to know how to market their books and reach more readers in their own networks.Â
Thank you CLC Kenya through ACABA for giving me this wonderful opportunity to administrate the 2022 ACABA Gala through the leadership of the incoming Chairman, Samuel Mwinamo Asena and my expectation is that this year many African Christian Published authors will encounter this amazing opportunity to stand out through their God given ability to pen down ancient wells of literature that God has entrusted to them. This will bless my heart greatly.Â
May this year be one of a kind to all the 2022 ACABA Nominees and may we scale great heights together as we allow God do what only He can do.Â
Thank you and God bless you.Â
To the next level
A Message from Incoming 2022 ACABA Authors' Administrator, Helen Matarimo
Am summoned as Helen Matarimo, also associated as a daughter, a mother, a friend, a colleague and most importantly a seeker of my Source, Creator, popularly known as God.
I easily recline towards introversion but writing gives me a chance to boldly explore a state of extroversion that I would physically shy away from especially in the presence of strangers.
When I reflect on ACABA, I see it as;
- A beacon of hope
- A platform that literally inspires for one to write it down and make it plain
- A vessel used to sound the call to action towards Impacting lives through literature
- To the growing list of authors being chunned out in an age of numerous sources of information and knowledge on various topics under the sun, a platform where what seemed impossible in the eyes of man was made manifest in the land of the living.
ACABA 2021, as I joined in the mission towards the tail end of the planning process as the Administrative Assistance, I got to learn and appreciate the impact of laying a foundation of empowering participants beyond the excitement of winning awards. I got to witness the efforts put in in form of creativity and writing by the authors and the dedication of the judges in the process of analysing these efforts and giving their expertise to improve them.
My involvement participating in the planning of ACABA 2021 also taught me the benefit of resilience, diligence and strengthened my faith in God in areas where I felt we had reached a dead end and all seemed lost.
As I now step into this next season having to wear a different hat as Administrator for ACABA 2021 to manage all the authors, their books and efforts;
- I would like to first of all thank my leader Muthoni Omukhango for drawing out that which she sees as a potential in me and providing a platform for this potential to grow in wisdom and stature.
- Acknowledge my able colleague Jackline Ingasian for the dedication she places towards the vision of ACABA and the authors who have passed through her hands to be assisted in one way or another towards improving their book projects.
- Last but not least, immense gratitude to the ACABA team, for the immense support given that went towards making each step of the process worthwhile and possible.
I therefore wish all of us a fruitful and successful ACABA 2022, as we continue this walk towards making our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ known through the promotion of Christian Literature in all spheres of life.