
Amon S. Bwengye

Amon S. Bwengye is a minister, lawyer, life coach, author and speaker.

He lives in Kampala, Uganda with his wife Brendah and their three children; Elijah, Enoch and Elaine. He is a lead shepherd at Brook of Hope Church and CEO Cleantech Africa Foundation.

He is also the author of How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary, Buddy Talk, What True Success Is & How to Attain It.


Books by Amon S. Bwengye

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

How Great Dreams Die and Why Yours Shouldn’t

Every person has or had a dream to pursue. Why is it that out of billions of dreams, only a few are realised? Why do some people kill their dreams while others realise theirs?
Are they more gifted? Are they born in better families? Do they have better conditions around them? Do they have more time and resources than others?
In this inspiring and hands-on book, the author exposes the 19 subtle traps that have killed billions of dreams and are out to kill yours- so that you can address them. He also shares life experiences and principles that will empower you in the pursuit and accomplishment of your dream.

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John B Bomboka
John B Bomboka
2 months ago

Dreams are key for tomorrow’s leaving …this book is like a safe guard and a knight for a better generation tomorrow

Lorraine Aguti
Lorraine Aguti
2 months ago

Amazing Christian author that deeply relates the word and reality. Indeed, a blessing to this generation.

2 months ago

When I read the excuses explained in the book, it’s like you were speaking to me directly!!

This book has helped me to stop procrastinating! Surely a great resource for any one that has moved around circles, who feels stagnant!!

Bruce Kakuru-KB
Bruce Kakuru-KB
2 months ago

Great Book for our generation, the book clearly indicates the possibility of changing the status quo from ordinary to extra ordinary. Thank Ps Amon.

Josphat M. Muriuki
Josphat M. Muriuki
2 months ago

“How Great Dreams Die” is a well crafted masterpiece ideal for inspiring modern generation on how to realize their potentials and live to the fullest. Mr Amos Bwengye has done extensive research and shared how we can overcome limitations and attain breakthrough in our dreams. I highly recommend the book to anyone who aspire to excel. Conglatulations Minister and Author Amos.

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
2 months ago

Great book @⁨~Bwengye Singahakkye⁩. Very relevant & transformative. Thanks for writing & congratulations for your nomination to ACABA 2024👏

2 months ago

Thank you for obeying God to write this highly relevant book. May God use it to bring glory to His name!!!

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