New Release
The Bride Breaks Free
An Autobiographical Fiction by Virginia Maina
The pages of this book hold not just words but an empathy and abundance of love for people who have been scarred in any way by spiritual abuse.

Please introduce yourself?
My name is Virginia Maina and I know that God loves me immensely. For me, this love is so real and I believe an understanding of this love is a cure to many spiritual and emotional strains. It is hard for me to talk about Virginia without talking about Father because he forms my identity. I am born again, and love Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
I am a wife, a mother to four boys, and by proximity, a part-time carer of a dog named Ellie Inxusa.
I am a peacebuilding and conflict resolution professional, an accredited mediator, and a trainer for peace. I seek to impact the world wherever I am with the love and grace of Christ. I also run with my husband, Henzo La Jeri, a foundation with a vision to empower grassroots disciple-makers and facilitate the growth of organic Christ-centred church plants.
Tell us how you came to the knowledge of Christ / Your Christian Faith?
I grew up in a Christian home. My parents were devout Christians and serving their local church at different levels. They introduced me to Christianity, my dad loved reading and sharing devotionals from our Daily Bread. I observed my mom as a prayer warrior and encourager in the community. This must have been the investment that made me yearn to get saved….
My sister, Wambui got saved before me and she would send me letters about God and his love for us. This was another nudge. I kept thinking that being saved is a good thing, but wondering how I would keep up with all the requirements of a Christian life.
At the age of fourteen, in 1996, I listened to John Wambu Waweru, who at the time had a radio program on KBC. He spoke about grace, that it is by grace that we are saved. Immediately the Holy Spirit dropped an insight into my heart- ‘If it is by grace that we are saved, it must be by grace that we sustain this salvation’. My question was answered, my fear alleviated, and I got saved on that day.

Why the title ‘The Bride Breaks Free?’
The title is drawn from the symbolism that the Church is the Bride of Christ. It is informed by the observation and experiences that the Bride is sometimes chained and encumbered by oppressive, abuse and toxic systems. It is inspired by the fact that Jesus, lovingly desires and empowers the Bride to break free and live in freedom under His Grace.
The message interweaves, personal experiences, biblical wisdom and practical guidance towards breaking free from toxic church and enjoying a Christ-centric, grace-filled life.
Who is the book written for:
This book is written with love and empathy for four categories of people:
- Devout Christians who have experienced and endured the pain of spiritual abuse
- Families whose lives have been scarred by toxic church systems
- Stakeholders who have perpetuated abusive church practices and finally,
- Anyone who is seeking a change from burdensome Christianity.

What inspired you to write the book?
This book was written as a concern that despite spiritual abuse that people endure, very little is spoken about it. This silence normalizes and perpetuates the abuse. One day, I was walking in town and Mama X, stopped me, after exchanging pleasantries she asked me, are you still in DFE church? I replied no, I left.
Then she asked me “why did you leave my X there?” With tears in her eyes, she painfully continued, “ is there something you can do? Can you speak to her?”
These words not only haunted me but opened my eyes to the immensity of scars in individuals and families over this silent scourge. God put it in my heart to write a book and start the conversations.
This book is therefore inspired by the desire to see a healed, vibrant, free, grace-filled Bride of Christ.
After the Shakahola Massacre came into public limelight I felt the nudge again to have the book in print and avail it to the Kenyan market. I reached out to Muthoni CLC and now the book is available in CLC bookshop.
Are there other books in the Pipeline:
A few weeks before the book was ready for print, I sensed another book project direction. I felt overwhelmed because as it is, I am learning the ropes of book management after release. I will be faithful to the call, but I am not sure about timelines. I will flow as God leads and enables me.

Any advice to the upcoming writers?
If God puts it in your heart to write, write. He has an audience that will be encouraged, uplifted and even led to him. Just write it in bit sizes, in big chunks, just write. He will follow that step of obedience with guidance and strength.
Parting Shot
The pages of this book hold not just words but an empathy and abundance of love for people who have been scarred in any way by spiritual abuse. I desire is from Ephesians 3:19 (NLT)
May you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete (needing no spiritual clutches) with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Book's Excerpt