There are 10 categories submitted between November 2020 and November 2023
Category Submissions
There are 10 categories submitted between November 2020 and November 2023.

The Young Category
001. Children Category 0-12 years
002. Teens Category 13-19 years
003. Young Adult Category 20-35 years

The Family Category

Missions, Church and Theology Category
010. Evangelism/Apologetics Category
011. Biblical Studies/Devotionals Category
012. Missions/Global
013. Church/Pastoral Leadership Category
014. Theology/Ethics Category

Christian Living Category
015. Christian Living Category
016. Discipleship Category
017. Spiritual Formation Category

Culture Category
018. Culture and the Arts Category
019. Poetry Category
020. Christian Fiction Category

History and Biography Category
021. History Category
022. Biography/Memoir Category

Leadership Category
023. Leadership Category
024. Politics Category
025. Public Life Category

Special Mentions Category
026. Christians in Seven Nations Category
*Mental Health & Addictions Category

Overall Awards
*Book of the Year (Content)
*Book Cover of the Year (Design)
*Book Program of the Year (Impact)
*Global Publishers Pick (Translation)
*Influencers & Initiators (Engagement)

Award Gala
November 2024-Kampala, Uganda.
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