
Daniel Matematema

Pastor Daniel S Matematema is currently serving as an Associate Pastor in Bible life Ministries Gaborone Botswana, where he is in charge of Gaborone West Branch. He is happily married to Moreblessing and recently celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary. Together they have been blessed with 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls.

He is a conference speaker and an Author who has published 5 books which were launched at the same time in December 2023. 2 books have since been translated into Kalanga and is currently translating another into Setswana.
One of his books which he co authored with Professor Madei Mangori titled from truth to legacy has been placed in 4 libraries in Australia.( Namely Western Sydney university, Hornsby, St Ives and Thornleigh libraries. It is also available on Academia edu. His books are available on Amazon.

Pastor Matematema and family thrives on a motto “we are blessed to be blessing” and do everything in our capacity to inspire, empower, encourage others that they can be better and release their full potential even against all odds.

Books by Daniel Matematema

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

From Truth to Legacy – Fundamental Leadership Insights

Leadership in any sphere; be it political, social, military, cultural, civic, religious, family, church, public, private, non-governmental, regional and global, creates, adapts, or adopts its own truth.

All organization’s operate according to truth they firmly believe in and deeply uphold. This phenomenon of operating according to truth believed in and upheld is ubiquitous.

It is in politics, economics, fashion, media, science, sport, business, government, family, church, social clubs etc.

There is a strong characterization by acting with conviction vis a vis what an individual or organization believes is right or following the rightness of the accepted concept, model, ideology, philosophy, belief system or situation as per their stipulated and accepted standards.

Set me on Fire

The objective of the book is to ignite a desire for one to be in a spiritual state where: his or her, presence can be felt and not ignored, his or her, impact can not underestimated, his or her influence can not be trivialized, his or her results speaks for themselves and leaves proof or evidence that can not be denied.

It also meant to inspire one to desire to be led by the Holy Spirit so as to fulfil their God given purpose and assignment and eventually leading to spiritual growth.

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4 months ago

Great books, Moruti! Thanks a million for sharing these soul-nourishing books. They’re overflowing with inspiration, pure motivation, and seriously uplifting sermons! To everyone out there who haven’t snagged them yet—don’t wait! Let your spirit be moved and your mind blown by the deep truths in these 5 reads. God bless 🌻✨📚

McDonald Nyabonda
McDonald Nyabonda
4 months ago

I have been part of the author’s journey for the past 10 years, he is more than my Pastor. His expository in the books, I can relate that it’s his lifestyle, and some of the things he has written have become a practise also in my life and has transformed my life, family and business immensely for the glory of God. I encourage readers to read both books. Thank you Pastor, Dr. Daniel Matematema for accepting your call and to be used by God for his greatness.

Last edited 4 months ago by McDonald Nyabonda
Rutendo Matematema
Rutendo Matematema
6 months ago

The books are not just stories but sermons laced with deep spirituality offering inspiration to those who read them. Each book he pens is a reflection of his deep relationship with God. Congratulations my Pastor.

Shupikai Matematema
Shupikai Matematema
4 months ago

Thank you for having gone through all the books, typing and making necessary corrections.

wisdom dube
wisdom dube
6 months ago

The books are a serious motivation. Launched in one day.this is massive

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
6 months ago

Amazing Books, interesting writing journey and touching story @⁨Daniel Matematema. It seems your gift is truly a hidden treasure that is discovered with time. We thank God you survived the two incidents and you are alive to fulfill His purpose on earth. You are a great blessing to the body of Christ. Congratulations on your nomination.👏

Shupikai Matematema
Shupikai Matematema
4 months ago

Thank you 🙏

johnny Selepe
johnny Selepe
6 months ago

I had a privilege to listen to him Sunday after Sunday during covid season preaching, to interact with him to seek some spiritual life insight. But what I can tell most people about him is he taught us how to seek God`s face and how to stay in the presence of God.
He used to say, in every situation learn how to interrogate scriptures. A humble and down to this world servant of God. May God continue to elevate you and increase servant of God because I know your hard work when it comes to feeding the flock of God.Coutinue use you to SET US ON FIRE.


Last edited 6 months ago by johnny Selepe
Fredrick Geoffrey Omondi
Fredrick Geoffrey Omondi
6 months ago

Congratulations for your book ‘set me on fire.’ It is quite instrumental in the walk of faith to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14-16, Galatians 5:16-18). Thanks for the reminder and be blessed pastor.

Maiteko Pearl Maseko
Maiteko Pearl Maseko
6 months ago

We give glory to God for such gifts, the book set me on 🔥 fire helps one to take stock of what one is doing in God’s Kingdom and re energize or re -charge you for the vineyard. Pastor we celebrate and give honor to God.

Virginia Maina
Virginia Maina
6 months ago

The book Set Me on Fire is a rekindling, a reminder of what the Crowd of witnesses desire of us. That our Christianity is not only heard but experienced by the world around us.

Tatenda Samantha Majoni
Tatenda Samantha Majoni
6 months ago

Inspiration on every page! We thank God for the mighty work He is doing through you Ps Daniel!

Audrey Chirenje
Audrey Chirenje
6 months ago

Congrats Sir. Well deserved 👏 🙏

Meluleki Mhlanga
Meluleki Mhlanga
6 months ago

He is my Pastor. A humble servant of the Most High

Lecage Kennedy Lecage
Lecage Kennedy Lecage
6 months ago

We are ao proud of our seasoned Pastor’s achievements, it says a lot about a powerful PRAYER warrior he is, his patience, commitment to seing others grow spiritually and need to persevere especially in challenging situations. We are truly humbled by these and really proud to be associated with his humble Family. 🙏 May GOD continue to increase thier achievements as a Family.

Kuziwa Gopo
Kuziwa Gopo
6 months ago

Welldone Pastor D.S Matematema i am inspired

Violet Bob Losike
Violet Bob Losike
6 months ago

Our Pastor is such an inspiration to us as a congregations, we wish him success.

wisdom dube
wisdom dube
6 months ago

This is such an inspiration. You’re a blessing indeed.

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