Recognising, Celebrating & Promoting Quality in Christian Authorship in Africa
congrats Rosie, May God’s light shine on you as you release all that is within you to transform in your sphere of influence. God bless you my friend
You’re an inspiration to many (including me). Thanks for inspiring aspiring writers like me.
Thank you Melvin!
Your commitment to imparting a love of reading & writing in children & your work with women is inspirational. You are able to impart enthusiasm of writing to children being a talented writer yourself. Kudos
That’s one of my greatest desires – impart the love of reading and writing to children at the earliest stage possible, and pave the way for future great writers!
All the best Edna – may your gift bear much fruit
Thanks Linda!
Continue to nurture your talent, Edna. We look forward to even more!
Thank you dear!
Keep going Edna. May the Lord open doors even through writing