
Elijah Opondo Ochiel

Elijah Opondo Ochiel (the author) is a Leadership and Management (Public Admin/NPO) graduate from Strathmore University with a background in Finance and Accounting.

He is married with four kids. Irrespective of being raised from a humble background, by the grace of God he scaled all the heights in life to become what he is today as attested in this book.

His pursuit for good governance cannot be overemphasized. He is known to say things straight as they are without fear or favor, an accolade he reckons he does not regret!

This is a must read book and one wonders why he cannot test the waters as a motivational speaker given the contents of this very inspiring book- The Crooked Society.

Books by Elijah Opondo Ochiel

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

The Crooked Society

The Crooked Society alone as the title of the book, even before reading the content, is already a bonus to the writer. It is said that good things just don’t happen, they are made to happen. The writer passionately narrates the ordeal the current generations of people are going through in search of insatiable power, status, and wealth and in the spirit of the end justifies the means. Putting it within the new statement going around in our current political environment “hatupangwingwi”, literally meaning “nobody can plan for us” denoting the spirit of stubbornness, arrogance, and pride, the writer looks at the society through the lens of a concerned patriotic and God-fearing person who prophesies that unless things change, then Armageddon is nigh.

This is a book that one can read and feel the soul of our current social environment which stinks to the bone and marrow. This is the tale of a wasted society lacking God-fearing leadership. It is a society where total decorum has been thrown out of the window, and its place is taken over by vindictiveness, economic thuggery, shortage of integrity, and demonic religiosity. According to the author, the conscience of the society and the church, has been irredeemably paralyzed and everlastingly blinded by the prosperity gospel, hence compromising the socio-political, financial, and spiritual terrain of our institutions. The integrity of our society is on trial indeed and the moral authority of our leaders, both secular and theocratic, is stained.

This is a masterpiece kind of a book that drives one crazy in search of a solution to the fast-decaying environment. The seductive sensation the book brings to the heart and the passionate appeal it provokes to the mind make every chapter a must-read. Every chapter leaves you thirsty for more. The author drives hope as an instrument of a responsible society and faith in God as a menu for a better future. This is a wake-up call to all men and women there who have a heart for progressive humanity to take a practical role in re-engineering this society to be a responsible society for a better future where morality is the meal for our stomach, integrity is the blood for our hearts and fear of God is our oxygen for survival. If that is not done, then we are soon going to live in an unfamiliar ecosystem controlled by the law of the jungle. Remember dinosaurs used to be part of our ecosystem and due to their uncontrollable taste for destruction, they became extinct. Humanity will face the same fate if we do not redeem our discipline and responsibility. It is an eye opening, straight shooting, and insightful book. I hope it will open the eyes of humanity.

Connect with Elijah Opondo Ochiel

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

On all social media:  Elijah Opondo Ochiel

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2 months ago

What a memorial autograph? What an apt timing? Having read this meticulously researched treatise, l can’t but yearn to see it’s consumption not only in high schools, institutions of higher learning besides it’s impacts to current leaders; if our society is set to rebrand its social fabrics?
Elijah you are not only a special gift in our midst, but also such a transformational leader in the order of one of the top-best Nigerian former President Sankara! May your life keep shinning till eternity ( Proverbs 4:18)!

Wonder Lucy
Wonder Lucy
2 months ago

What a memorial autograph? What an apt timing? Having read this meticulously researched treatise, l can’t but yearn to see it’s consumption not only in high schools, institutions of higher learning besides it’s impacts to current leaders; if our society is set to rebrand its social fabrics?
Elijah you are not only a special gift in our midst, but also such a transformational leader in the order of one of the top-best Nigerian former President Sankara! May your life keep shinning till eternity ( Proverbs 4:18)!
2 months ago


Beverly Israel
Beverly Israel
2 months ago

Ezekiel Mphalele, A South African Author and one of the founding figures of Modern African Literature once said that, a writer as a member of the society is the most sensitive point who mirrors what goes on in his or her environment…..
The Crooked Society, a spotlight into the days of our lives, authored by Mr. Elijah Opondo Ochiel sheds light on the happenings in today’s society not only in the African Continent but also across the globe…
It’s a good read that will intrigue your intellectual domain to critical thinking and become an agent of societal transformation wherever God has strategically positioned you, be it in the leadership domain, the corporate world, the educational field, the creative industry, the political space and so on….
Have you grabbed your copy?

Beverley Israel
Beverley Israel
4 months ago

God’s general, Mr.Elijah Opondo Ochiel who is not only my former Boss nurturing and mentoring many in leadership and the corporate world but also a great inspiration in the literary world….

And “The Crooked Society” was up for grabs this week at the Nairobi International Book fair…

Knowledge is power….
What are you currently reading?
Have you grabbed your copy?

4 months ago

God is still to use you my beloved brother Elijah. Read, read, write, write and keep doing doing. The World is transformed by informed minds, understood through prophetic literary works; built by pure spiritual gifts only in regenerated hearts. Go go go, in God’s wisdom go!
Rev. Dr. Paul Mbanga
Founder and Lead Minister
Christian Family Fountain Ministries

patricia kahill
patricia kahill
4 months ago

Thank you for writing this

Richard Ochiel
Richard Ochiel
5 months ago

Review of the crooked society.This is an insightful and meticulous articulation of what has bedevilled the society.Indeed these key indicators are a sign of a soceity on its death bed if nothing is done.Sadly the vast majority who see them either ignore them or sweep under the carpet.Crooked soceity is truly a highlight .

Owen juma
Owen juma
5 months ago

The crooked society captures the moment, it mirrors a time described in Titus 1:10-13. It calls for courage to honestly speak about the society and it’s crookedness.
It’s time the society picks up the discussion to redeem ourselves from this “crooked society”

Nicholas ososi
Nicholas ososi
5 months ago

Quite an inspiring read, reading through the book, one pauses to do soul searching on role in crooked society today. The book is a passionate plea for us to live a truly Christ like life that we were called for by our saviour Jesus Christ

Nehemiah Odera Odero
Nehemiah Odera Odero
5 months ago

It is said that literature is the mirror of the society (fasihi ni kioo cha jamii). The saying has even a greater spark if the author of the literature is reflecting his/her life personal experiences. That is what I find most captivating in the book “The Crooked Society” – for the testimony is nothing but inspiring the reader to true Christian living! With bare-knuckle exposition, the author of the “The Crooked Society” has managed to depict how with every passage of time and/or generation, the society is getting more and more inclined to egoism that is slowly elevating individual chauvinism at the expense of the greater good of the masses, hence dimming the ‘Christ-like’ image that we as the society popularly proclaim we are. It is indeed a retrospective master-piece intended to drive the reader back to the true meaning and way of life of a Christian, Ebenezer. Bravo brother Elijah.

Nonhlanhla Lucky Gugushe
Nonhlanhla Lucky Gugushe
6 months ago

Review of crooked society what a book you have hiave hit the devil in the tail. The devil is angry. The world is ruled by nothing but mafias the poor becomes more poorer the rich becomes richer what is GOD almighty say when he looks at us. We dont acknowledge him as higher power well done Elijah such your book had to come to leave a legacy . You are brave GOD will cover you and Christians of this generation

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
6 months ago

Thanks a lot Elijah for your elaborative writing.👏 You have taken the courage to step out and put on a spotlight, the crooked society by sounding an alarm which is unpopular, for transformation and change to happen. You have not only identified the moral issue, but the root causes and how to overcome them by providing solutions. I believe this is a great milestone towards correcting the issues and whoever comes across this book will be transformed for the better. Congratulations on your nomination to ACABA 2024.

Anthony Mwanuli(KLB)
Anthony Mwanuli(KLB)
7 months ago

*Synopsis of the book*
The high number of reported cases of murder, rape, terrorism, misdiagnosis, theft, and the plunder of public resources in the society has reignited the debate on the moral standing of our society and level of integrity among the public officials, state workers and the general public at large. At the centre of the debate is the call to ensure individuals and the society takes a moment of self-introspection to reflect on the state of the society and figure out where we might have gone wrong and how we can pull ourselves from this quagmire threatening to tear down the fabric of the society. Attendant to this desire is the call to ensure moral values are inculcated in individuals at a tender age so that they can grow knowing what is right and wrong.
The Crooked Society seeks to be part of this discourse by highlighting some of the core issues affecting our society: their root causes and how we can possibly overcome them. The author’s history and triumph amid challenges forms the reference point of how we should aspire to conduct ourselves during these trying moments albeit from a Christian perspective.

Rev. Festus Madere
Rev. Festus Madere
7 months ago

Dear brother Elijah. I have noticed that the literature is now ready to hit the market, touch the ground and take the flight into posterity. You will be remembered by this literature till the end of days. The moment your piece will reach the libraries, it will be a legacy that will live forever because many generations are going to read the book. This is the gift you are giving us together with the next generations to come. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God in order to spread the gospel of Christ in a different form. Callings of God are different and can never be limited to ordained priesthood or enclosed within the pulpit. Yours is a special calling far much bigger than the pulpit calling. I am called into the pulpit, and so my ministry is limited to my congregation. Your calling will be international because your book is going to be read in many libraries, larger market-share and internationally and by diverse readers. You have a gift of writing. The flow of your narrative is like the gigantic River Nile which passes through many countries and different jungles to give life to our ecosystem. I have gone through the book and I therefore commend it.
God bless you
Rev.Canon Festus Madere
ACK Diocese of Nairobi.

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