
Emily Bagarukayo Ngabirano

Emily Bagarukayo Ngabirano is married to Eng.Paul Ngabirano, and they are blessed with four children: Emma Bradley, Kiara Ishta, Tiana Gwen, and Eli Simon. She is a Senior Lecturer, Researcher, and Consultant at the College of Computing and Information Systems, Makerere University. Emily has authored over thirty peer-reviewed publications and has won several research awards and grants. She is a consultant, real estate developer, and commercial farmer. Emily is passionate about inspiring and motivating people, personal development and growth, and wealth creation.As a Certified Straightforward Financial Growth Coach, she runs strategic masterminds to help people discover and maximize their potential to create wealth practically.

Book by Emily Bagarukayo Ngabirano

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Party Girl to Church Girl

In “Party Girl to Church Girl,”Emily takes us through the intriguing seasons of her journey to becoming spiritually grounded.She vulnerably shares how she was raised with a strong foundation of faith.At a tender age, she gave her life to Christ. However, along the way, she veered of the path into a life of partying. She details the tumultuous life she led, filled with several ups and downs amidst faith struggles.

By the grace of God, a divine helper led her back to her foundations in the Lord. Emily narrates how rediscovering the love of God and reconnecting with Jesus led her to serve God today, and how she has found purpose and significance. She shares testimonies and miracles God has done in her life and her family, along side ten key lessons she has learned over a decade at WorshipHarvest. Emily invites us on a journey to the Great Commission that the Lord Jesus called us to.

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10 days ago

Am grateful for the opportunity Glory to God

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