From Pain to Purpose: A Journey of Healing, Faith, and Redemption

My name is Zinhle Ramashala, and I was born in a small village called Nongoma, South Africa.

My writing journey, ‘His Story My Life,’ started in 2020 during lockdown when I was grappling with infidelity that resulted in a child being born during my 11-year marriage in 2017. It was the hardest season, but looking back at it now, I’ll forever be grateful for it as it pushed me to have a raw and introspective conversation with myself. I was in great distress, trying to interpret the season, unable to find anyone who shared my faith to guide me except the Holy Spirit. It has taught me to find God in every situation and to see and employ situations to my advantage as they reveal what’s hidden in my heart. I was saved/ born-again but still bound by trauma from my childhood and life experiences. I would be talking about God’s freedom but not experiencing it. It made me realize that we can quote scriptures all we want, but until we become one with them in application or trying times, we will never be able to transform.

Not to mention, I got married at 21 years old and had our first child at 22 years old. I felt like life was just happening right in front of me, and I had no control over it except to accept what was happening. I didn’t know how to implement and exercise power and authority to speak life that God designed for me. Anyway, it was during this time that I stopped blaming everyone for how my life had turned out and began to take accountability and responsibility for it. Yes, I didn’t have control over what happened to me, but healing from it is my responsibility. It was a messy process as God began to talk to me like a son who didn’t leave the house while he was dealing with the prodigal son separately. This was the time I stopped blaming my husband but used that opportunity to open my heart, which was full of disappointment, hurt, rejection, bitterness, anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy, rebellion, arrogance, false humility, self-righteousness, malice, haughtiness, disobedience, false beliefs that I’ve learned during my childhood which have become a stronghold that I had to pull down in my journey of faith through the Word of God, inner vows that were made out of anger and are now manifesting and had to deal with by renouncing them. Looking at how family patterns and sins—bloodline principalities have come after every generation to fortify and expand its rulership. I had to take my position as a priest and present my family before God and start a bloodline repentance. This was no longer about me but about the generations to come. I began to interpret life from a spiritual perspective—understanding that we are spirit beings inhabiting a body, with a soul comprising mind, will, and emotions. I came to realise God’s faithfulness; whatever He promises, He fulfils according to His will and purpose. If we don’t see His promises manifest, there’s two possibilities: either the timing isn’t perfect according to His priorities, or there are obstacles hindering the fulfilment.

I had to allow myself to be vulnerable before God, discovering my identity, worth, and value. I learned that my past experiences don’t define me. Looking back, my life seemed to be filled with pain and struggle. I questioned God, wondering if I would ever know true happiness or if pain was my sole purpose, but amidst this conversation with Him: He spoke to me: ‘All things work together for your good. My grace is sufficient, and my strength is made perfect in your weakness.’ He unpacked Isaiah 53 for me, and I understood. When we go through difficult times, we get so consumed by pain and forget to see how far the Lord has brought us through. It was then that I realised I didn’t have my own life—it belonged to Him, with a purpose I needed to surrender to.

Reflecting on my journey, I see His faithfulness despite the intensity of pain. He is not a man that He could lie, nor a Son of man to repent – He does everything that He promised.

My life is His Story of victory, a testament that God is faithful and able. This season aligned me with God’s purpose for my life, and I got to know that: I am unique, enough, born with a purpose for a purpose. I am being perfected in the journey. Never define nor attach your worth or value on perishable things such as education (brain damaged), beauty (burnt/disability/aged) and possessions (bankruptcy) because if you wake up tomorrow and they are not there, what would be of you? Who would you say you are?

The vision of Arise and Shine Heirs, which is founded on Isaiah 60, became very clear, and I live daily as a Midwife ~ impacting lives. I finished the Professional Christian Counseling course during this season, which God is now using to restore lives of people, marriages, and families. When I counsel Christian clients, I completely understand that one can be born-again, tongues speaking, filled with fire and the Word but still be abusive (emotionally, financially and physically) or be driven by carnality. Why, because they got saved, safe and comfortable. They never advanced into sonship where real transformation happens in pursuit of Christlike character, according to Romans 12. Many Christians are still controlled by culture, self driven, and haven’t matured into a Kingdom Culture. Everything is good, but not everything is permissible for you.

My script reached Dr. Tich of Faithlands Publishers on July 17, 2021. I was afraid of having it published because it felt like I was being exposed to the whole world, but God said, ‘Many will be freed and healed by this testimony.’ Then I found peace. Now, I was waiting for the report from Dr. Tich hoping that it would come back with regret, only to find that it’s actually confirming what God has said. The ‘HSML Book’ was published in 01 October 2021, seeking to bring healing from traumatic upbringing and life experiences, as well as to equip and empower humanity holistically to discover and maximize their full potential and fulfil their God-given purpose. It addresses how to live a godly life and respond to life situations in all aspects: as a child, adult, family member, spouse, parent, church member, in occupation, and within the community at large.

The ‘HSML Book’ has inspired a journey to the ‘Personal Transformation’ workshop covering topics such as emotional restoration, spiritual development, building healthy relationships, and discovering purposes. It has been utilised as a 12-week Book Study by Moms on a Mission from the USA, addressing identity, self-esteem, forgiveness, generational curses and blessings, godly and negative soul ties, recovery, and navigating through the aftermath of infidelity for couples. This workshop also focuses on growing through grief and trauma, importance of forgiveness and wholeness, dealing with rejection from parents, family, people, finding freedom, and building meaningful relationships.

HSML offers a workbook designed to help readers begin their journey towards healing because God desires our healing, deliverance, and wholeness, enabling us to walk worthy of His call and manifest His fullness on earth as His sons and daughters, as it is in Heaven. It encourages individuals to view challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth and to embrace the transformative process while practicing patience with both themselves and the journey. It also elucidates the delicate distinction between religion and Christianity and the concept of being set apart. Salvation is personal, requiring daily introspection to purify our hearts, as it is what defiles a person (thoughts, words, and actions). True salvation necessitates repentance, becoming a lifestyle for born-again believers. Work out your own salvation (internal work of the heart ~ Jeremiah 17:9-10) with fear and trembling. Get yourself a copy of HSML Book for more!

My husband and I have been together for 20 years and married for 18 years. We are now embarking on a journey by God’s grace to write a book titled ‘Journey to Recovery and Restoration after Infidelity: A Born-Again Believer’s Perspective.’ Our goal is to assist couples currently facing this ordeal and to equip others who may have friends or family members experiencing infidelity. We facilitate ‘Journey to Personal Transformation’ retreats to start the journey towards healing, equipping and empowering people walk worthy of the call and manifest the fullness of God and ‘Kingdom Couples Seminars’ by the grace of God to help families contend for their prophetic destinies, restore honor, and fulfils all that God has preordained for them for His glory. God willingly, there are many more books to come!

I’m available on two social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram as Arise and Shine Heirs. I therefore conclude that: 👇


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