
Grace Christine Obonyo Kyayonka

Grace Christine Obonyo Kyayonka is a senior educationist who served as the first female Academic Registrar at Nkumba University (2014-2017). She joined Nkumba after an illustrious career at Kyambogo University as Senior Assistant Registrar and Deputy Registrar, where her work was meticulous and her integrity impeccable, between 1999 and 2014. As a Certified Maxwell Leadership Team Speaker, Coach and Trainer, she has a passion for mentoring the young and old alike, basing on her personal life experiences, and she has consequently become the first author in her biological and marital families. Christine is the third child of the late Emmanuel Obonyo Opima and Regina Kyazike Obonyo of Tororo District. She is the Parish Council Secretary at St. Luke’s Ntinda C.O.U.; Vice Chairperson of Scripture Union Uganda National Committee; Board Member, Viva College School; Life Member, Bible Society of Uganda; Life Member, Scripture Union Uganda; a digital and foot evangelist.

Books by Grace Christine Obonyo Kyayonka

THE FEARLESS LEADER Inspiring Legacy of Ivan Kyayonka

This biography offers a leadership learning point from the lead subject, Ivan Kyayonka, whose bottomless generosity saw him set the pace for an authentic Ugandan leadership brand. Completely unselfish, he intentionally set out to groom other leaders, which gave him great satisfaction. He clearly recognised that had he not been given an opportunity, his output would never have been enjoyed by the world he served with such great dedication. This work is a challenge to all people wherever they lead – starting with their families – to be intentional in identifying, nurturing, and developing talent so that we all can thrive. It is a challenge for those who like to load it on others and, in the process, stifle the growth of other leaders. Even though Ivan is long gone, his leadership legacy lives on.  
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Nabikamba Japhet Obbo
Nabikamba Japhet Obbo
7 months ago

The Fearless Leader is one of my best books. I hold it dearly because its a story of hope that there is a place for good men in the world, unlike, the popular narrative that being mean and self absorbed is what makes great men.

I was greatly moved to reflect on life with questions of what legacy am I building. To imagine that this is a story that morphed in Uganda, is amazing, because, in this part of the world there is a lot more bad news reported. To have this story written by the late Ivan Kyayonka’s wife, gives it the authentic touch that is rare to find.

He was a fearless leader, and through this wonderful documentation, others have been inspired to be fearless leaders. For the men, its an awakening to the potential we hold to impact on the lives of our families and the community.

Christine Kyayonka
Christine Kyayonka
6 months ago

Thank you, Japhet. I wrote this story in order to speak into someone’s life. I’m glad to note that you’ve personally picked useful nuggets even when you never physically the person of Ivan.

Grace Kyamazima Mehangye Muhoozi
Grace Kyamazima Mehangye Muhoozi
7 months ago

Ms. Christine Grace Obonyo Kyayoka is a fearless leader herself! I have been privileged twice to know her leadership capacity. First as a student leader in Tororo Girls’ School where she ably handled he duties and Second, as a Deputy Registrar at Kyambogo University (Admissions). I can say she is an exemplary and excellent fearless leader just like her later husband. Reading her book gives me hope that some young minds will emulate the Late Ivan Kyayoka. I am glad that Mrs. C. Kyayoka was able to put pen to paper and bring out Ivan’s legacy which is quite educative. This is an inspiration to many of us and more so, intending leaders should read this books they embark on their leadership journey.

I recommend the book to all young people who wsh to take on leadership roles in future. I thank you Christine for this educative and partly emotional piece which brings hope to me that we are capable of have other leaders like Ivan in this country. May Ivan’s soul forever rest in eternity. May God bless you Christine 🙏

Christine Kyayonka
Christine Kyayonka
6 months ago

Thank you, Grace. The struggle was real, penning those deeply emotional lines. But yes, leaders cannot afford to be fainthearted. The courage is persevere against all odds is what the world badly needs. May all you recommend to read this book be transformed for life, as they strive to be even better leaders than Ivan was.

Lugwana Kaggwa Lawrence
Lugwana Kaggwa Lawrence
7 months ago

Thank you so much for the book. A book describing a person that Iknew and worked with. I certainly cannot add anything because nothing was left out untouched. The way described your late husband is exactly how I knew him during our employment together, and also after I left him in Shell Uganda Ltd but continued to work with him as my boss, we having been working as Contractors.
I thank you once again for giving the lucky readers that have managed to go through the book “The Fearless Leader”, the share the courage Ivan had and I am sure many will emulae him in his absence.

Christine Kyayonka
Christine Kyayonka
6 months ago

Thank you for confirming Ivan’s testimony as presented by me to those who never met him in person. May the world be enriched by many more fearless and selfless leaders.

Fredrick Egonda-Ntende
Fredrick Egonda-Ntende
7 months ago

Christine Kyayonka has so ably documented the life story of one of our ablest and accomplished leaders in our time that impacted many facets of our national life: business, sports, healthy and family. Mr Kyayonka never sought any position or office by guile, subterfuge, force, fraud or any undue influence. He was mostly sought out or head hunted. He was truly a servant leader.


I urge all and sundry, especially our young people to read this book and be inspired. 

Prof Wanyama Aaron
Prof Wanyama Aaron
7 months ago

I read Christen Kyayonka’s book in memory and as aegacy to her late husband and l could not help but be inspired by the simplicity and accuracy of a narrative about a man God used to impact countless lives across the nations. Ivan was selfless and no wonder God found the right vessel to use to change many lives during his brief but effective journey in earth. For the time l associated my self with Christine Kyayonka at Kyambogo University and as a devoted Christian, l can testify that her book is a reflection of what she has become and grown jn God over the years. To God be the glory!

Leopoldina Lidia Armando
Leopoldina Lidia Armando
7 months ago

Leopoldina Lidia Armando

Marion Opito
Marion Opito
7 months ago

Christine Kyayonka is a remarkable individual whose dedication and selflessness has profoundly impacted many. Through her tireless efforts, Christine has established numerous programs to support underprivileged families, providing them with essential resources and opportunities for a better future.
Her unwavering commitment to helping others, coupled with compassionate nature has inspired me.
Christine’s work is a testament of dedication to making a difference in the lives of many, we are incredibly fortunate to have such a devoted and caring individual among the mothers union and Christian women fellowship of St. Luke’s church Ntinda.
The fearless leader inspiring the legacy of Ivan Kyayonka speaks loud about who Mr.Kyayonka was!
One vivid memory about him!
During his funeral service which was held at St.Lukes Church Ntinda,half of the mourners stood up to atest that Mr.Kyayonka and Christine educated them. Completely unselfish indeed!
May your soul continue to rest in peace.
Thank you Christine,I value and cherish you.
God bless you.

Nathan Kagiri
Nathan Kagiri
7 months ago

I’m Nathan and had the privilege of being mentored by the late Ivan Kyayonka; an experience that I’ll treasure and carry with me for rest of my life. Our society is currently experiencing a serious ethical crisis and Ivan’s relentless pursuit of excellence, integrity and the desire to help others grow is something we can all benefit much from, especially those in positions of leadership (at various levels). So Christine’s memoirs are not only an encouraging story of love, faith and triumph but also a real service to our border community, challenging us all to reflect on our contribution(s) in life and reminding us that one can succeed and triumph while remaining true to their values.

Edward Namasenda
Edward Namasenda
7 months ago

The “fearless leader” is a wonderfully inspiring and great read with so many nuggets of wisdom. Its well put together and a must have for anyone in leadership.

7 months ago

Madam Christine’s writing is captivating. She articulates her thoughts in The Fearless Leader so clearly that you are able to visualize what she is writing about. This book would be a nice motion picture.

David Justin Bakibinga
David Justin Bakibinga
7 months ago

Had opportunity to read Christine Kyayonka’s”The Fearless Leader: Inspiring Legacy of Ivan Kyayonka “. This is a biography of the author’s late husband (1958-2015). The book shows leadership and developmental qualities of the deceased evident from his work for the Shell Petroleum Company for 30 years, 12 of them as Managing Director including having in some cases to oversee operations in the East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Also served as Chairman of the National Social Security Fund Board. His character showed persistence, altruism,selflessness, result orientation and empathy . He supported his home rural community and cricket sport both nationally and at his alma mater, King’s College, Budo. He had his share of tragedies, including the deaths of his brother and young daughter as well as endurance of a kidney complication for many years, from which he succumbed. As I read the book I could draw some parallel to late US President Kennedy’s award winning book “Profiles in Courage”(1956).

Sandra Wanyama
Sandra Wanyama
7 months ago

This was the most amazing book that I ever read. It taught me that God is the giver and sustainer of life. Because the late Ivan was leading according to the will of God, God sustained.

This challenged me to serve according to the will of God.

Doreen Musiimenta
Doreen Musiimenta
7 months ago

I have known Christine Kyayoka for the last 4 years. Since then she has been an inspiration to me.

I know Christine as a confident lady, incredible, no nonsense lady and a counsellor.

I can’t stop drinking from her cup of wisdom. God bless you Christine.

7 months ago

I never met Mr Kyayonka in person but when I read the Fearless leader, I wished I had met him. The book is an inspirational.It was written in simple English.

Asha Saad
Asha Saad
7 months ago

Very well put together story that shows lots of Bravery. You are indeed an inspiration Christine.

Last edited 7 months ago by Asha Saad
Julius Rubanga
Julius Rubanga
7 months ago

The Fearless Leader is an incredibly inspiring biography, it touched me deeply with its wisdom and life-changing nuggets. This book delves into the life and leadership philosophy of Ivan Kyayonka, a true beacon of generosity and authentic Ugandan leadership. It beautifully captures Ivan’s selfless dedication to nurturing and developing future leaders, reflecting his belief that true satisfaction comes from empowering others.

Reading this book challenged me to embrace a leadership style that prioritises the growth and development of those around me, starting from my own family to the broader community. Ivan’s story is not only a tribute to his enduring legacy but also a powerful call to action for all aspiring leaders. It’s a reminder to foster an environment where everyone can thrive.

The Fearless Leader is an essential read for anyone committed to genuine and impactful leadership. It has profoundly influenced my perspective and will undoubtedly inspire others to lead with authenticity and generosity.

Thank you Christine for writing such a great book befitting a great man.

Jenipher Bwire
Jenipher Bwire
7 months ago

Christine Kyayonka is someone I have known for more than 15 years. She is an “open book”, beautiful inside out. Not only is she very kind, but empowers others to fish. She gives people all tools and materials needed, but challenges them to get the fish themselves. Little wonder she can write about her husband because she is the only one who could give an accurate account of The Fearless Leader – a dedicated leader of his time who left a clean record both in his private life and public life.

Rest well Ivan. Tina, go girl and write more books to educate and change the world. Like you always tell us, you will surely serve your heavenly Father until the end.


Victoria Kunihira
Victoria Kunihira
7 months ago

The Fearless Leader is a read full of inspiration, hard work and balance between work and good sense of family. It has shown how good character can build strong and long lasting relationships. Mr Ivan was indeed a pillar of strength and genius in his community, family and for all he interacted with. Thank you Mrs Kyayonka for sharing this side of your life and the life of Mr Kyayonka with the rest of the world. This is amazing and I wish you more success and all the best!

Louis Jadwong
Louis Jadwong
7 months ago

Christine, thank you for taking time to keep Ivan’s story alive through the book The Fearless Leader. Ugandans too often forget what’s happened in the past, not knowing the likes of Ivan set the pace, and showed many things can be done for the country if there is a will to do it – that Ivan always had.

George Kateregga
George Kateregga
7 months ago

The Fearless Leader was a very inspiring story of a leader with true charisma and timely decision-making. A leader who walked the talk and delivered whenever he was called upon. A well written story. Thanks Christine for opening for us that window so we can pick invaluable leadership lessons. He is truly missed!

Kiraahwa Bettie
Kiraahwa Bettie
7 months ago

Yes, Christine, my 24, you make us proud with the zeal you have in all you do. I know the Lord you serve empowers you in all your achievements, and I believe the door is wide open for you to move further to another level. Congratulations for this far the Lord has brought you.

Rachel Wamburu
Rachel Wamburu
7 months ago

Christine is a very articulate writer, whose choice of words in The Fearless Leader helps the reader to succinctly grasp the kind of leader that the late Ivan Kyayonka was in the public and private spheres of his influence. So confident, courageous, resilient, determined and loaded with integrity was the man whom many will continue to learn from even though he is long gone, thanks to his wife who brings him to life in her maiden book on leadership.

I was particularly struck by Ivan’s intentionality on nurturing other leaders just as he had been raised to the top. This book brings out stark realities that often pass unnoticed in society. Kyayonka’s public and private successes were harmoniously intertwined with his social side as a very loving son, sibling, husband, and father. So high up there, yet so down to earth in equal measure! Which aspiring leader would not want to emulate such leadership?

I applaud Christine for bringing to the fore that even the strongest of men get past numerous tests, but only the most resilient can cross oceans and be counted among the numbers. Repetitive adversity – including that of his own beloved daughter, Eleanor – and struggles with poor health at the prime of his life and career did not deter Ivan from giving his best as a leader. What inspiration! What courage! What a leader! I celebrate his very supportive wife, Christine, for standing with him through thick and thin. The Fearless Leader is a book worth reading by all who desire to know what strings to pull in good and tough times. May God remember your sacrifices, my dear sister, for selflessly sharing such a treasure with the rest of the world.

Antie senga
Antie senga
7 months ago

Christine’s book gives me a glimpse into the man my brother was in his home. Having grown up with him and been a close friend and a confidant, the book gave me snippets and parts of Ivan I never knew. It gave me a look into Ivan the boss… Ivan the Father, and Ivan the husband. While I had been around when he achieved all these tittles,there were bits I didn’t know and Christine portrayed them beautifully.
The book is a biography of my friend and one of greatest men that ever walked in this earth

Harriet Manyindo
Harriet Manyindo
7 months ago

“The fearless leader “by Christine Kyayonka is a well documented book bringing out the legacy of Ivan; the man with a mission for impactful corporate leadership and governance that inspires other leaders more so the young generation in the corporate world. The story brings out special tributes of Ivan Kyayonka as a leader and husband that had impact and influence on his family characters of integrity and humility. The book is a befitting tribute to Ivan written by his wife Christine that comes out seven years in December 2022 after the demise of Ivan. Christines resolve, determination, memories and motivation is of a lady who lost her husband, and yet had a rare courage to document her husbands legacy inspires many- Harriet .

Mike Chibita
Mike Chibita
7 months ago

Very well written story about a resilient leader, Mr Kyayonka.
Amidst adversity and grief, Christine manages to weave together a powerful story.

Israel kabi
Israel kabi
7 months ago

I thank Christine for changing and inspiring me both leadership and marriage matters using this book. I read this book and iam now in the second round of reading this book. Thank Christine #The Fearless leader. Inspiring legacy of Ivan Kyayonka.

Francis Wanyina
Francis Wanyina
7 months ago

God connected me to Christine through my job as an Insurance Salesman close to 5 years ago. I later discovered she’s a born again just like myself and since then, we are totally brother and sister. Christine you are just an amazing and blessed woman. I’m happy for this step and always PROUD of you my darling sister.

David Mukholi
David Mukholi
7 months ago

The book is well-written and inspiring. Once you pick it up and begin reading, it is hard to put it down. It is Christine’s real story. She brings out the joy and pain in her life, which makes her story real. In life, the two realities exist. A reader gets elated when she writes about the joyous part of her life and is saddened when she turns to the painful part. The pain is palpable, a reader feels it. But also the joy lifts a reader’s spirit. When you finally complete reading, you close your eyes and say what a story! Then you conclude, God has seen her through this and she is still alive so we return thanks to Him. And also thank Him for Christine’s courage to write especially about the pain.

The book is a good read.

Namata Luswata
Namata Luswata
7 months ago

Thanks Auntie Christine for writing this lovely book. Its very inspiring, with alot to learn especially those leading or intend to lead others. His selflessness and kindness was expectational. A must read!!!

Lawrence Namale
Lawrence Namale
7 months ago

It’s supposed to be a biography, but this is simply by far, one of the most instructive books on the subject of leadership as a basic human trait. We learn so much from the life of Ivan, an outlier leader whose presence in all leadership positions left a mark in the corporate world, in Uganda and in Africa at large. This is a well written book, Ivan indeed is a great loss to us. I recommend all leaders and leadership institutes to stock this. Christine has written a masterpiece.

Grace Jethro Kavuma
Grace Jethro Kavuma
7 months ago

A very brilliant master piece written from the heart. Every leader especially upcoming ones should read and read. Defines bravery from both the author and the one to whom tribute is paid.

Diana Kimono
Diana Kimono
7 months ago

Thank you Mrs Kyayonka for sharing your beloved with us all. In this book I got to know not only the great man Mr Ivan Kyayonka was but also his heart and the things that drove him. I was inspired and celebrate him. The book is rich for anyone in organizational leadership and one can even read different chapters independently from each other without feeling disconnected. Christine’s writing is very captivating and as you read you get to see that her work is thorough and thoughtful. Its also clear in this book that relationship and service to God are important to Mrs Christine Kyayonka. I hope this book reaches many many people.

Sultan Essak
Sultan Essak
7 months ago

What an inspiring leader. Great read 👏🏻

Yvonne Kyayonka Georghiou
Yvonne Kyayonka Georghiou
7 months ago

I’m biased because this is a book about my father’s life, written by my incredible mother. That said, this is literary masterpiece that more than does justice to an incredible life. I’m grateful for the many lessons in leadership, love, kindness and family this book imparts and that they are in print for many generations to continue to benefit.

Eng. George Mabweijano
Eng. George Mabweijano
7 months ago

My name is Eng. George Mabweijano. I worked under the late Ivan Kyayonka for many years at Shell Uganda, reporting directly to him, and I can testify that he was not only an outstanding manager, but an extraordinary person as well. His widow Christine has written a brilliant tribute to him, in that it highlights some of the more personal aspects to the man, which help us to better understand what made him such a distinguished and accomplished person. Definitely, a very motivational piece of writing, and a fitting tribute to Ivan.

Phoebe Nakanjako-Kiwanuka
Phoebe Nakanjako-Kiwanuka
7 months ago

Congratulations Auntie Christine!!

We thank God for the far He has brought you and for this nomination in particular!

The book is a reflection of true love, forgiveness, selflessness and meaningful relationships. Iam glad to have witnessed its launch and thankful for the lessons learnt.

I encourage those that haven’t read it, to do so.

God bless you and wish you all the best for the future. 🙏🏾

Sylvia Awori
Sylvia Awori
7 months ago

Glory to God and Bravo! Were it not God’s grace upon you those great memoirs of uncle lvan could possibly have not gone the great milestone that you have achieved through your input.
The pain and sometimes maybe procrastination you may have endured to achieve this piece of work is beyond any human expression. It’s a legacy to reckon with for your posterity to fourth generation.
Dear you and uncle lvan were such a match you both love to help and make people better than you find them l am sure he could have tried to do what you still do.
I cannot wait to read your next book. Cheers.l

Hope E. Mpiirirwe
Hope E. Mpiirirwe
7 months ago

Since my academic years at Kyambogo University, I have come to know you as one of the hard-working Christian women who has given many young people the opportunity to maximise their potential, to be open minded, and to live their talk. Thank you for living and writing your story. Your energy, dedication, and sacrifice are clearly reflected in your amazing book.

Linda Bwire
Linda Bwire
7 months ago

As a young woman in the early years of marriage and trying to forge a path in the world, this book was an invaluable read, It gave me hope for the future, recognizing that life is truly a journey and that nothing is to great for our dear Lord 🙏 to handle. I could go and on but it was honour to be there when it was launched and was so happy to read it till the very end. My dear Christine thank you 😊

Maggi Kaddu
Maggi Kaddu
7 months ago

Ivan, being your husband, could have led to subjective writing. But you wrote the Fearless Leader with such honesty and courage, making it an inspiring read.

Osinde Diana Onyul
Osinde Diana Onyul
7 months ago

This is has been a great inspiration to me.Thank you dear for educating the world and inspiring people to become great leaders like Uncle was👏👏👏

Winfred Babirye Mulinda
Winfred Babirye Mulinda
7 months ago

I have known Christine for more than ten years. Our life has been a journey of walking in each other’s shoes. Reading the book revealed many more facets of my friend.
The story is told meticulously yet lightheatedly. It has taught me value of relationships especially significant others in my life.

Christine in this book shows balance in life is achievable when we trust God! She promised to serve God to the end and this book is a major landmark in this journey.

Well done my accountability buddy.

Margaret Nyachwo Alwala
Margaret Nyachwo Alwala
7 months ago

Grace Christine Obonyo Kyayonka’s book on the Fearless Leader clearly expresses the humility of a great leader and mentor with a deep desire to transform the world. Eng. Ivan was truly a blessed man because he blessed other people.

Flavia Mugwanya Kyomuhendo
Flavia Mugwanya Kyomuhendo
7 months ago

Thank you Chrisine for taking the time to write your husbands life story. It’s so inspiring. What a courageous , passionate man He was.

May God help us too to leave a mark for the generations to come.

Ruth Oduor
Ruth Oduor
8 months ago

Congratulations Christian and may the Lord do you good!

Namarome Cossy
Namarome Cossy
8 months ago

Christine. Go girl. Use all your talents girl. Stay blessed.

Festus Kibuuka
Festus Kibuuka
8 months ago

Go Christine Go👌🏿We wish you all the best.🙏🏿👍🏿

Elizabeth Ekochu
Elizabeth Ekochu
8 months ago

Christine Obonyo’s memoirs of her life with her husband brought to life the joys and struggles of life in general and how to anchor your life to meaningful values and God. Thank you for letting us share your life..we await the next book!

8 months ago

Thank you Elizabeth. The next one is surely coming. Watch this space.

8 months ago

This is amazing work , weldone auntie Christine

Jenipher Bwire
Jenipher Bwire
8 months ago

Well done Christine

Christine Kyayonka
Christine Kyayonka
8 months ago
Reply to  Jenipher Bwire

Thank you, Jenipher

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