
Margaret Abukutsa

Margaret Abukutsa is a seasoned Civil Engineering with over 25 years’ experience. Her love and passion for engineering has endeared her to most projects and jobs that are mostly male-dominated in the construction industry. Margaret is a wife, a mother of two girls: Diamond and Jewel and, a career woman who has experience both in the public and private corporate sector.

Margaret is also an author her book The Diamond Underneath won an Acaba (African Christian Authors Book Award) award in 2021 for women category, her other book is The Concrete woman.
She is also a speaker and entrepreneur. She wants to use all these assets and wealth of experience to inspire women to be resilient.

The turning point in her life after undergoing two brain surgeries, the second one being in India in June 2015, became her springboard to writing and sharing her story and journey with the world through various platforms. She realized that everyone goes through real issues and challenging moments in life. While others are able to bounce back, and move on with life, others succumb.

The difference, she says, lies in the ability of one to be strong, resilient, hopeful, endure through the life journey. One must have a strong spirit, which she refers to as the core which is to guard one’s heart against any pressure from outside and within in order to unleash the diamond hidden in you.

Margaret has written the childhood experience with her dad; that have shaped her to be who she is. Margaret believes that every man has a destiny of his daughter engraved in him. She therefore seeks to inspire her readers to take their rightful positions as dads in this fatherhood journey.


Books by Margaret Abukutsa

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


Whispers From My Dad

My dad, after getting born again late in his life had a passion for spreading the word of God to the world. He did not know that he was living on a borrowed time. All of us are! I write this memoir to reach the world, let the world have evidence that there lived a man, Sheldon Akalo Abukutsa, who was a dad and a father. His legacy lives on.

To every dad struggling to juggle the 4Ms of a Man, Metal-health (Meditation in God), Manpower (work, women, ethics), Money (Lack of it, multiplied or contended) and Machines (Vehicles and cars) that masks their identity into true manhood and fatherhood know that God is the architect. Let him give you the true blueprint.

There is evidence of people who have gone ahead and demonstrated this. The greatest legacy you can leave to your child is not the material wealth you amassed but the authentic life you lived in Christ. The impacts from my dad’s influence and seeing in me an elder male son(version) has made me scale heights.

Connect with Margaret Abukutsa

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

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Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
4 months ago

Congratulations Margaret Abukutsa on your nomination to ACABA 2024. Your book, “Whispers from my Dad” is very relevant and inspirational to many dad’s out there. Thanks for sharing the legacy of your dad as a role model and writing other books on your life story. You are indeed a blessing to the world.

[…] Margaret Abukutsa […]
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