Firstly, the title of this book takes us back to the beginning. It takes us to the Garden of Eden. Eve was the alpha mother. The first creature of the feminine gender. Locked in her were all the WOMB-MEN, the WOW-MEN (wow due to her perfect beauty), the WO-MEN (women) that followed, myself included. Eve had her alpha home in the paradise called Eden. She was perfect, sinless, holy and majestic, well at the beginning. I remind the reader of the BEAUTY, BOUNTY, PLENTY, ROYATLY and JOY that marks our genesis that should be a source of inspiration when it gets tough and rough. The first three letters “EVE” of my title make reference to the Biblical Eve as alluded to in the paragraph above. I take myself and females alongside my journey as modern Eves. Spiritually, the connection that traces us ALL back to Eve should connect us to each other. This notion promotes equality, love, unity, Ubuntu, social justice, respect of each other’s different tribes and nationality. This book promotes all these virtues and so many other Godly attributes. The book in a nutshell is about HOPE. Since it is poetry, the messages are not direct but are between the lines. The last part of the title OLUTION is my creative way of connoting PROGRESS. Therefore in other words the book centers on femininity, the modern and current women’s journey in view of her Biblical origin and Biblical end. In between the book highlights her struggles, triumphs, weaknesses, strengths, her vices and her virtues due the Fall, due her now sinful nature and the consequence of living in a sinful world – a very POLITICAL WORLD, how she navigates and triumphs against all odds. This book is the best if you want to introduce someone to the Word indirectly. This book is best for the people who do not believe in the Bible as the Bible is presented in a gentle way and intelligent way through the use of poetry. For those skeptics who believe that the Bible was brought by the Colonizer as a weapon to steal from Africans, this book makes a strong case against that belief and advocates for TRUTH. There are many poems that trace Africans in the Bible. Proving the fact that even if Missionaries did not arrive in Africa; the Gospel would have arrived regardless. I cite in the book the Ethopian Monarch in his chariot, who received salvation directly from the disciple, Philip, miraculously. I speak of revelations through visions by African prophets the likes of Ntsikana. Every poem in this book is underpinned by a Bible verse or a Biblical principle. It is sure to lead a typical NON-BELIVER towards the journey of discovering God the Father, God the Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, Teacher and Guide. Let it be so!
Eve’ Olution