
The core concept of salvation is forgiveness. Without forgiveness, salvation does not take place. This book explores the whole issue of forgiveness, what it is and how it can be practiced. Rev Miriam Gichung’wa has used her own personal testimony to demonstrate how God delivered her from bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness after many years of struggling with issues in her heart.

This books helps you to:
– Understand and appreciate Matthew 6:12, 14& 15.
– Discover that forgiveness cannot be forgiveness until God gets involved.
– Understand what forgiveness is and the power behind it.
– Establish how forgiveness releases freedom, healing and deliverance.
– Appreciate God’s forgiveness.
– Gain ability to forgive others.
– Discover that forgiveness does not mean being a doormat but an expression of love for God and others.

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