Success in life entails healthy relationships: love and romantic; work and business; and family and marriage. Dating, courting and marital landscapes have evolved over time, and have resulted to conflicts and challenges between partners. Unhealthy relationships, related issues and situations like mental ill health and work-life imbalances have adverse impacts to an individual, family and work or business. ‘The Art & Science of Blissful Interpersonal, Love & Marital Relationships’ has 12 interesting chapters that build on each other thus portraying love and marital relationships as a journey. The author injects diversified perspectives in the conversation and takes a practical approach in addressing real life issues affecting love and marital relationships in a fast-paced contemporary society. The last two chapters take a diversion across environmental stewardship, sustainability and climate change agenda. The author engages the reader in a discussion on sustainability and climate change; business and organizations; love and marital relationships; and how each sphere is vulnerable to climate change related risks and impacts. The book is gender sensitive, culturally sensitive and the content is agreeable to both religious and non-religious communities. The author strongly advocates for the 8-ewellbeing dimensions to help us uphold family and marriage values; build healthier and happier interactions, families and marriages; and ultimately responsible citizens. Additionally, the author strongly embraces effective conversations and communication as a form of therapy between partners and among family members for harmonious blending. How do we attain holistic wellness (in social, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual wellbeing dimensions) to effectively deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life in a contemporary society? ‘The Art & Science of Blissful Interpersonal, Love & Marital Relationships’ embeds the 8 wellbeing dimensions to: 1. Advocate for self-care and wellbeing dimensions; alternative and complimentary therapy techniques for holistic health and wellness. 2. Create an avenue for enriching conversations amongst people (partners, families, businesses or workplaces) for harmonious blending and improve productivity. 3. Advocate for psychosocial support amongst humanity to fight against mental illnesses (for the wellbeing of partners, family members and workplace/business colleagues). 4. Embrace religious and secular pre- and post-marital counselling and therapy customized to meet partners’ specific relationship goals. 5. Advocate for gender equality, inclusivity and empowerment through capacity building, coaching and mentorship for civilized, happier and healthier responsible citizens. 6. Reskill and transfer knowledge for life interactions, love and marital relationships by embracing emotional intelligence, mental resilience and healthy coping strategies. 7. Advocate for Environmental stewardship, Sustainability and Climate change agenda; and collaborations among individuals, businesses, corporates and organizations.