In The Comeback, the author affirms the saying that if you see them on the mountaintop, they didn’t just fall there. He has pooled together authentic, real life stories that depict the harsh terrain these people have walked or crawled through, the desperation, loss and pain on the one hand and on the other hand, the incredible resilience, determination and fortitude that kept them going even when there was no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, when they skidded again and again down the slippery slope and hope was in short supply. In the depth of despair a helping hand, a mentor or sheer grit has led to triumph, success, restoration and in several cases, unparalleled wealth. The stories and the reflections the Author shares will break your fall, provide stepping stones, a breath of fresh air and illuminate your path as you seek greater heights, or try to dig yourself out of any quagmire. Definitely a must-read.
The Comeback