Wake up from slumber and think beyond the Comfort zone. I write this book from my own experience, perception, and view on different issues in the society that I have come across; not forgetting history in my locality and from Africa in general. All from my areas of interest, which I view are essential to share with readers. Such an issue is a social ill and brings problems in the society. When the social issues in the society increases, society becomes pregnant with malice, and if it is not tamed, it can explode and cause chaos all over. These social problems vary from one person to another and from one group to another. To bring sanity and harmony in the society, the social phenomena should be addressed critically. It is this that made me in this book speak about the society in which we live. We cannot blindfold our eyes and pretend not to see society and its values being strangled down. Yet the society itself is raising its hand, just like a drowning person for us to rescue it from the oppression it is facing. These social challenges begin from the family level to the broader scope of friendship, academic circles, political circles, and the religious context. Man is a spiritual and a political being in society, and if he fails to strike a balance between the two, he goes to the extreme. As a spiritual being, he can use the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, as a way of life that shapes his moral values. As a political being, guided by God he shuns the egoistic desires of self-sustenance. He looks at the society in the sense that the people under someone’s care come first before individual’s desires. Death has become a question and a mystery that even philosophers have been unable to solve. Man comes into this earth with a lot determination to excel and come out of the jaws of poverty that shakes many in the society. I have shared the struggles of life from the personal experience of life, and how to approach things in life despite how critical they might appear. Man is a social being, and no one is an island. We live in a society where we need each other for us to grow. Unfortunately, you will find those who feel that they have beaten all the odds of life and live independently, forgetting that no one would dare bury himself. We need each other in life. I have tackled on the hypocrisy in life that affects modern society. Exaltation of the woman as the most vital gem in our society, she works tirelessly to see her children grow to responsible characters. I have tackled ideas on the politics of modern society, how the youth should seduce political science if they want to become the best candidates for the political society of tomorrow. The corruption and oppression induced on our continent, Mama Africa, the oppression of Kenya from the elite class through nepotism, tribal inclinations, bribery and embezzlement of public resources meant for the public. When all these political challenges that are also social problems affect our society, it finds itself being a man-eat man society whereby some people become more affluent than others by taking advantage of the available resources for their self-centered desires. When society follows this trend, the poor suffer because the gap between them and the rich increases. The moral decay in the society has not been left without being discussed in the sense that abortion has become a challenging social problem that has been exalted, yet the consequences that come with it are too much. The street children have no place in the society because the society looks down upon them, and the help that goes to them from the society is too minimal. The sexual ego of man to satisfy his sexual gratification in the modern society has led to the fall of many families due to sexually transmitted infections. The tertiary level education has become a place where the devil dances to lure many people in the campus life to enter into moral decadence, illegal gangs, abortions, peer pressure, fake love affairs, early single parenthood, and joining of dangerous cults. All these are observed in the corridors of campus life. As though this is not enough, behind the curtains of education, we have lecturers who entice students with different baits for various gains, especially free or easy grades. In exchange, they get sex from students, some old enough to be their daughters or granddaughters. People trusted to instill healthy moral behaviors, knowledge, and values end up being spoilers of our children. Certificates for pay, coercion to accept lecturers’ advances lest you fail your exams are trends that touch some of the lecturers in the universities. Sex for jobs cannot be left out where bosses in big offices will demand to satisfy their sexual urge with the job seekers before they are offered jobs. Sacred sex has been exalted by modern society, which does not fear it at all. When sex is exalted too much in the society, sexual immoralities increase, from incest, adultery, fornication, single parenthood, and early parenthood in our society. In return, this shows how much we do not respect the dignity and the sacredness of sex. Even as I wind up this introduction, I entirely refuse to give a deaf ear to the fact that the boy child is under siege. The society has continuously uplifted the girl child and left the boy child squeezed in the corner. Here, we cry, lest we get forgotten, once and for all. The boy child has been neglected and the girl child has been left to dance freely in the society with all general basics of life provided. The girl child is more empowered, endangering the boy child from thriving freely in the modern society. The society should come out strongly to improve the educational and cultural standards of both girls and boys in the society so that we can have a balance in the future society. Failure to which the boy child will continue being shackled with his voice less heard by the society that exalts the girl child. Step by step I have unfolded these and more in this book. To give you the best pieces to read, pieces to reflect on and find yourself along. I hope as a reader you will enjoy the reflections in every page you turn. Some people may think that this book is greatly motivated by priestly ideologies because I am one. Even though I do not deny the fact that my work has a religious touch and feelings. I have used my style and ideas, away from a priestly influence, to give you a home feeling well-motivated and get the indication of what happens in the society in which we all live in. It is about all of us opening our eyes wide to see it.
The Cumbrous Society