When Marriage Vows are Tested

When Marriage Vows are Tested and Tried, is an incredible book that gives real practical solutions to married couples and those looking forward to marriage. This book will help you navigate difficult situations that a marriage union may present as well as make yours better.

The tools herein will help you understand what vows mean since it also address different myths surrounding marriage which contribute primarily to marriage shake-ups and how to handle such inevitable tales.

When Marriage Vows are Tested and Tried offers you deep wisdom and insights to sustain your marriage and get the most out of it. Marriage is not just about the feelings; the truth is that, even desire and passion in marriage wanes coupled with age or even medical conditions. These factors should not affect marriage negatively or bring it to an end since marriage is not all about sex but life-long companionship.

A couple living together in the union of marriage will be tested and tried at one time or another. However, marriages are targeted for a couple living together for a better life that focuses on finishing together.

Well, buckle up because, within these very pages, your eyes will be opened to a greater understanding of what the marriage union truly means and what to expect.

For those whose marriages have worked and thankfully so, we have responsibility to hold the hands of others incase their marriage has cracks and continue sharing the recipes that contribute to a great marriage.
No marriage is perfect and since it’s a work in progress we ought to work it out for betterment every day.

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