Patricia K Rutiba
Patricia is a Ugandan Architect based in Kampala, Uganda and works as a Managing Director for Dream Architects Ltd an Architectural Company. Patricia has been in Architectural practice for 24 years this year. Her career has included Design and documentation of various projects, Project Management, supervision of construction sites in both the private and public development sectors. She has served on Design competition panels as professional advisor and juror both at national level and student competitions. She authored and published two novels in the Knights in Kampala Series which are available on Amazon and in local book shops. The has also authored a third novel, an e-book called The Blue Beads which is available on the African Books platform based in Uganda but serving all of Africa. Patricia is married to Daniel Rutiba, an Advocate of the high court and they have three children. They are members of Watoto Church Ntinda where they serve in ministry and as counsellors to young people.Books by Patricia K Rutiba
Knights in Kampala

Connect with Patricia
Facebook: Patricia K Rutiba Instagram: @patriciakkrutiba
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Congratulations Patricia Rutiba on your nomination to ACABA 2024. Your book ” Knights in Kampala”is very instrumental and relevant to every reader. You are such a great blessing. May your writings inspire the world.
Jaaja Pat as I so dearly call her is a well of wisdom, and we can see the wealth of it in KIK aka Knights in Kampala. I loved reading and relating with fictional characters that sounded, felt like and definitely had the same life dramas like mine. We can all see ourselves in a Briana, or Carol or Byron or Mark.
KIK is a definitely one of those book series we all need to have in our libraries.
But most of all I loved learning how to relate with God, with others simply by enjoying the books cover to cover.
KIK isn’t simply a fictional story, it is a teaching tool, and a very enjoyable one.đź‘Ś
“Kinights in kampala” by Patricia Rutiba is a book that I simply couldn’t put down. From the very first page, I was captivated by the powerful narrative and deeply drawn into the lives of its characters. Her portrayal of the characters is vividly real, and their struggles and triumphs resonate deeply. The book is richly detailed, immersing the reader in another time and place. Patricia handles delicate topics with grace and sensitivity, making the story profound and impactful without being overwhelming or vulgar The spiritual depth of the book touched me profoundly, reminding me of the relentless pursuit of God’s love and the power of forgiveness.I truly appreciate Patricia for writing such a compelling and inspiring novel. “Kampala knights” is not just a story; it’s a testament to the healing power of love and faith. It’s a book that stays with you long after you’ve turned the last page, and I’m grateful for the experience of reading it.
Knights in Kampala is a very realistically written book. The characters are so developed you’d think you could meet them in real life! The dialogue is grounded and the overall narrative is very wholesome and educational. Most important is how the story makes clear the different problems young people face, especially spiritually. This is a book that can actually grow you as a man in more ways than one.
Knights in Kampala is one my favorite books. I feel like the author Particia wrote this book from the depth of her heart. She gives an insight of what christian youth go through in their daily lives and am super proud to share it with all my friends.
Patricia, the author of knights in Kampala, writes this novel in a captivating and entertaining way . Its is a refreshing change to read a book which promotes christian romance and work ethics.
Patricia writes with wit, realism and beauty. Knights in Kampala speaks to real life situations and how to navigate them, while remaining engaging and entertaining.
Knights in Kampala I and Ii invite you into the intimate journeys of young people exploring life as Christians. The characters are soooo normal you can’t help but see yourself and your friends in them. KIK forces one to look inside one self albeit with understanding that we have choices to make every day and that there are consequences. Byron is your typical saved boy taking his time before declaring what we ladies can hardly wait for. Go figure! KIK gives us a peek into a young man’s dilemma and we get to understand that Christian courtship must be deaper and that the time taken is justifiable. Well, almost. I can go on and on. Highly recommended for all ages. There is something for every Christian pilgrim. Kudos Patricia.
I loved reading aunt Patricia’s 2 books so much that I read both of them in one month. They are books you start reading and not want to stop.
I loved how the plot of the books speaks to the challenges that the youth go through and provides a solution for me.
I have learned to strengthen my devotion walk with God, have accountability people to do life with, belong to a ministry in church, look out for my friends like Byron did for Mark, pursue purity in my relationship, persevere like Mark did with Carol, and not to compromise my values but walk with integrity like Byron did with his company.
It is a must read for everyone!
The Knights in Kampala series is phenomenal. Easily part of my top ten and a constant on my gifting list. You can not read these books and not want to share with all your friends, readers or not. The characters are very relatable and the authors nuggets of wisdom and strong Christian values seep through each page without sounding like she’s preaching to you – a delicate balancing act that Arch Patricia Rutiba manages so effortlessly.
I honestly felt changed by these books, so much so that a good portion of advice I give my single friends or newly weds is gleamed from these pages.
And there appeal is crossgenerational, my 8 year old is too young to read a big tome like this but my mother read Knights in Kampala so fast, she surprised herself when she had reached the end and demanded I should have given her both books at once! And it wasn’t just her. A friends mum who got the book for Christmas finished it that very holiday and came back to Kampala with her kids to buy the second for herself because she couldn’t wait until their next visit to find out how the story ends!
Getting to know the characters from the descriptions was such an intimate process that it brought them to life. It was easy to love some, dislike some and then like them later after getting to know them better as the story unfolded. I love how real and relatable the story is.
Patricia congratulations. Inspiring story that reminds us of fear and how face it. A good book that brungs out the realities of life. A must read
A key life lesson for me that i draw from the story is that true success and fulfillment come from personal growth and meaningful relationships, not just from career achievements or societal expectations