Samuel K Busulwa


Samuel K Busulwa


Samuel K Busulwa’s passion has always been education. He was educated at Makerere University in Kampala and did his masters degree in theology in Alexandria, Virginia. He continued his higher education at Colombia University in New York, where he focused on curriculum design, development and implementation. He served as headmaster at Masaka SS, Aggrey Memorial School, Mengo Senior School as Headmaster and King’s College Buddo. He became the first full time Academic Registrar of Nkuba University, 2001 to 2009. Since leaving the education field, he runs a consultancy dealing with teacher training, coaching teachers on management and designing school curriculum. He has also been a member of the National Curriculum Development Centre.

Books by Samuel K Busulwa

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


Holistic Education is the story of a young man who started out believing he could make a difference. It tells how he followed his heart, used his head, and put his hands to good use in making his dream of holistic education a reality. A true educator lives the life. It is not something they do for a career; it is, rather, a calling. I have had many roles in various education streams and, through the years, have learned things that worked and things that didn’t. In this book, I share my insights, experiences and thoughts in the hope they inspire young educators and motivates students to become teachers. Without education, a country cannot grow. It is the foundation upon which we build our future. I am honoured to have been a part of cementing foundations for many students and having an influence in their lives. The truth of it is, although I may have been an influence in their lives and for the good, I trust, they have had a marked influence on mine. where one will spend eternity.”

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Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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