Shero by Grace: Embracing Life’s Challenges and Triumphs

I am Dr. Julianne Susanne Otim (Ph.D), a cherished princess of Abba Father, a wife, mother, researcher, consultant, senior lecturer, and model/encourager to your best version. With over 20 years of experience in the ICT sector, I currently serve as a Senior Lecturer and Head the Internet of Things research and applications (IoT-ra) lab at Makerere University. My extensive multi-disciplinary research has led to over 40 peer-reviewed articles in reputable journals, supported by several funding agencies. I am also involved in governance Boards for national and regional organizations such as UbuntuNet Alliance, RENU, Internet Society Uganda, and CHASEi, and have served as an external examiner for numerous universities.

I am married to Pastor Arthur Otim, the senior Pastor of Seeta Miracle Center Church, and together we are blessed with three amazing sons: Baraka, Ajabu, and Amani, as well as many spiritual children. I serve in the leadership of Seeta Miracle Center with a passion to encourage each individual to courageously embrace their best version.

Writing Journey

In March 2019, recovering from abdominal surgery for endometriosis after five years of severe pain, I lay on my bed with my mind racing. One of my thoughts centered on my unwritten book, the eighth of my ten resolutions for 2019. With four weeks of sick leave ahead, unable to sit up, I began to outline this project. The next day, sitting up briefly, I drafted the initial version of this book.

Over the years, I had encountered recurring questions about balancing career development, family responsibilities, and church ministry. I struggled to answer these questions until I began to find my own solutions. Two years ago, inspired by my experiences, I resolved to write a book chronicling my journey.

During my recovery, I seized the opportunity to collect family history from my mother, essential for my book. Despite illness, I completed “Shero by Grace” and achieved one of my 2019 goals. This experience affirmed that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Even in the darkest times, trust in our loving God yields beautiful outcomes from seemingly bleak situations.

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