Called and Empowered by David M. Taylor


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The ministry of Jesus was marked by a constant interplay of words and
works. We know a lot about his words, and we are good at sharing them,
but we easily overlook his works. His works were the punctuation in his
sentences. They were always there. He taught, then he healed. He taught,
then he delivered. He forgave sins, then he healed the sinner.
What would happen if instead of just telling people to look to Jesus, or to be
like him, we would actually equip them to do the same works that he did?
In “Called and Empowered” you will see how Jesus was prepared and
equipped by the Holy Spirit. Then you will be empowered and equipped to
enjoy serving Christ in ways that you never imagined were possible.
This book will help you to:
• Experience the ministry of Jesus in the way his disciples did
• Reach your full potential as someone called by Christ
• Help yourself and others to live a joyful, supernatural life

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