Leadership & Life Lessons From David by Antony Alex Irungu.


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The story of David is among the most familiar Bible events in that he went from being a shepherd tending to his father’s sheep to killing Goliath and becoming a King. From the grazing fields to the castle, he encountered many challenges, including defending his father’s sheep from the predators, being disliked by his brothers, several attempts on his life by King Saul, and facing Goliath. But he prevailed because his trust was in the Lord. Even when he did the despicable act of having Uriah killed so that he could have Bathsheba, the Lord redeemed him. In our lives, too, we all rise and fall, but if we trust the Lord, He always gets us back on our feet. The book offers important life lessons people can apply in their lives to become better for themselves and others.

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