
Tafadzwa Chihwayi Rwizi

Tafadzwa Chihwayi Rwizi is the senior pastor of House of Redemption Ministries and its associate ministries. He is married to Nyasha and the couple is blessed with three biological children. Tafadzwa is a shepherd at heart, teacher of the Kingdom of God, a philanthropist, entrepreneur, counsellor and an internationally acclaimed Life Coach and corporate trainer. He is regularly featured on leading Radio and TV Stations across Zimbabwe. Tafadzwa is also the Chief Editor of the Careers Masters Magazine, and the International Coaching and Mentoring Magazine.

Book by Tafadzwa Chihwayi Rwizi

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Pre-marital wisdom: What you need to know before you say I DO.

This book discusses important topics that are too often overlooked by people in courtship. It addresses a lot of the errors young people make when they fall in love, but anyone intending to tie the knot can benefit from the wisdom shared. It helps loved ones determine and set relationship goals, know each other better and establish if the one you’re dating is the right choice. Tafadzwa pinpoints common areas of crises and counsels on how to build stronger relationships from conflicts. Dating couples can expect to be prepared mentally, spiritually and even financially for a lifetime of commitment.

Managing Stress: Power over overwhelming thoughts and feelings

This book was written to dispel a lot of miscommunication and misconceptions on what stress is and how to handle it. When people don’t know some of the fundamental issues addressed herein, they will likely react wrongly to the stress and the stress triggers in their lives. In this book, Tafadzwa also addresses common emotional wounds and how to heal from them. Productivity in individuals and organisations suffer as a result of these mental health problems plaguing many. The book looks at stress from scientific and mental viewpoints, and supplies psychological and spiritual solutions that can work for any people, generation and culture.

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10 days ago

I’ve never been more challenged and encouraged in my walk with God than through Mr Tafadzwa Chihwayi’s books. They are so good and inspiring. I highly recommend!

Tafadzwa Chihwayi Rwizi
Tafadzwa Chihwayi Rwizi
10 days ago

The African Authors is a great networking platform for Christian writers. I am grateful for the work they are doing in encouraging and recognising the aunthetic stories from Africa. Together we can empower our generation and beyond, and rewrite the narrative with our own ink. Be blessed as you read this work. To God be the Glory.

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