I have been able to run training sessions for Optimize Institute including a Virtual Summit – Samuel Mwinamo Asena

I am a leader in church as part of the pastoral team at Redemption Sanctuary City Center. I also double up as a patron for the Worship Team and the Men’ s and Couple’s Fellowship. I am involved in the care of the church, teaching, leading and guiding the ministries and fellowships under my care.

I also run an organization that does training, coaching and consulting on making the most of who you are and what you have. At Optimize Institute we train and consult on Talent Management, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship and Life Skills.

I also lead at work as a Unit Manager at Jubilee Life Insurance. In this role I work with a team of sales people to help them with engaging clients, training, field coaching, customer service among many other roles.

Finally, I lead the Team that manages the ACABA program for CLC Kenya as the chairperson. In this role, I work with various department leaders to ensure smooth running of all the initiatives under this program including author empowerment, training, publicity and so much more.

I have been involved in the leadership of ACABA in several capacities since its inception in 2021. Through this time, I have had the opportunity to work with many different people who have broadened my perspective of things and grown my leadership ability. I first served as the Lead for the Media and Digital Team before transitioning into the current role as the chairman of the planning committee.

CLC has also given me support through sharing books which have grown me as a leader. I particularly would like to single out a book entitled Nine Marks of a healthy church which has been and continues to be very instrumental in my leadership at church.

Through their generous support, I have been able to run training sessions for Optimize Institute including a Virtual Summit we held at the height of the pandemic in 2021. Their willingness to help me access their Zoom Platform to make this a reality was huge. I have also been honored to receive support in terms of recording some of the sessions for my Unleash Hour program. That has been critical in helping me advance my work at Optimize Institute.

Lastly the provision of events and platforms like the Authors collaboration and the Authors Roundtable which I run every year has been an opportunity to meet and network with people from different walks of life. This interactions have enriched my leadership.

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