To my shock and dismay, my manuscript was declared substandard. I was distraught and discouraged – Nelly Kagoru

I take this opportunity to thank CLC Kenya/ACABA for the amazing support accorded to me through my journey as an author. This started way back in 2018 when I reached out to CLC with a manuscript which I was very confident was solid enough to be published. I submitted my manuscript and went away positive that the feedback and greenlight to publishing would follow.

To my shock and dismay, the manuscript was declared substandard. I was distraught and discouraged but thank God for Muthoni – CLC Kenya/ACABA who held my hand and promised to walk me through the journey. Indeed, they were faithful to the core and even exceeded my expectation.

Through CLC Kenya/ACABA I have attended several amazing workshops and mentorship sessions that have helped me grow as an author. These workshops have empowered me in areas such as on becoming an author, the process and stages of getting a book published, marketing strategies  and more all which has helped me to make great sales and has also opened other doors for me to minister to others.

The climax in my journey with CLC Kenya/ACABA was in the year 2021 when by God’s grace my book ‘Accountability , A biblical principle’ won the  award on book content of the year ! This was an excellent surprise and has inspired me both as an individual and an author of the potential within.

I take this opportunity to say kudos to the entire CLC Kenya/ACABA team. Your passion, professionalism, perfection, and personal touch as you serve the Body of Christ is admirable. Keep up the excellent work! Your assignment is divine and will help transform this continent and beyond with Christian literature while nurturing African Christian authors to arise!

Nelly Kagoru

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