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Diana Wangeshi
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because each one of us has a story to tell. Our real authentic stories define who we are and express our heritage.

Future generations that will come after us will be able to learn from our stories and the past, they will learn and appreciate their culture which will give them a sense of belonging and pride for our great continent.

The richness of our cultures will be passed down through literature and the future generations will own it and guard it.

By documenting our experiences and sharing them with the world is one way to secure the future of Africa through literature!

Pinnah Waithira
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because, a robust, energetic, smart and ready to take over the world future son and daughter will have a had time relating to the foundations of our people.

Without literature, they will struggle to understand and appreciate our culture, our norms, our ideologies, our pride, our independence, our love language, our tenacity, our people, our different colors, our work ethic, our perseverance mentality etc.

We as a Nation are already struggling to understand the difference between what to adapt from the western cultures verses what to adapt from our culture.

have been conditioned to think that we need western cultures, that they are good for us. We already have a generation that think’s for their lives to better they must live abroad and that nothing good comes out of Africa and yet we have the resources, we have the oil, we have the good weather, we have strong people who already resistant to many things including diseases.

We have a lot going on for us, but yet little is talked about it. When we see advertisements 90% are western based with western images etc. We rarely appreciated black actors, black products, black owned business compared to westernized things. We can only heal from this by literature.

We as authors have a responsibility to bring back our pride as a continent, to adorn our offices with African portrait’s and embrace our African creativity and designs. Our homes need to have a reflection of our African culture because we cannot be other people, we can only be Africans.

Only Africans can tell other continent’s how to treat us, how to do business with us, how to interact with us, how to respect us and how to embrace us. Our literature will play a KEY role in uniting our people and giving them direction in regards to Godly principles and our way of life. it will help ensure a balance of what our future generation’s choose to adopt if we do it right.
Lets be the fore front of standing out and be the African writers who chose to write African literature Hope we take up the challenge,

2 years ago

When we tell our stories, we relinquish ourselves from the shackles that once held us captive…Those of shame, guilt, anguish, and more. When we tell our stories, shame can no longer hold us down and through literature we overcome by the words of our testimonies!

There is a proverb that says: When the Lion learns to tell its story, the tale will always glorify the hunter…THUS, we as Africans must reclaim our glory and pride ourselves in WHO & WHOSE we are! “God did not make junk and put it in Africa” as my father likes to say. Therefore, the future of Africa will be secured when more men, women, boys & girls say enough is enough; the tale can no longer glorify the hunter!

It’s time our side of the story is heard alongside our songs of liberation, and art that depicts our joy not just sufferings! We are more than just a continent full of irrelevant and inaccurate news content portrayed against our will…We are a people full of diversity, beauty, culture and stories that illustrate the majesty of Africa not just the “pain” or “sorrow”.

LucyAnne Waweru
LucyAnne Waweru
2 years ago

Africans are story tellers. Their culture was passed on to the next generation through folklore. Every aspect of life from being kind, good and the outcome of not being hospitable was relayed through stories.
Today, the preacher who gets a good audience, the motivational speaker who inspires and even the author who is widely read is the one who shares stories.
However,in a world which is moving from listening due to all the busyness of life, the written word will tell our story. Indeed the future of Africa will be secured through literature. We must learn to tell our stories in the written form. If we don’t, we lose it.

Gitonga Mutani
2 years ago

Africans are story tellers, parent to child; one story at a time, we told our way into existence over generations. We spoke tales of respect, family, tribe, order and preservation. We told fables to shape virtues and impart values. And when delinquency was detected, we told legends of calamity. Our fairy tales directed our children to adulthood because our reality was one big collection of allegories.

We are poets, we chanted our way to victories on the battle fields. We rhymed strength into our legs during wrestling matches. Our elders addressed us in sonnets, our boys learnt from their fathers by epigrams and our women folk entertained us in ballads every evening as they worked around the houses. Young lovers serenaded each other into their hearts and homes and when we had to send our beloved away, in sadness our epitaphs were distinctive.

We are musicians, we sang our way through hunger, floods and all calamity. Our five ululations welcomed a new birth, four if she was a girl. Our children crooned their messages to memorise and preserve until they get to their destinations. Our soldiers sang from across the ridges as they came home victorious, every fete had its own song. Our composers created master pieces on their feet and we sang and danced instinctively because it was in our blood, our genes; our way of life.

So when we speak about the future of Africa, well, it is secure in our past, we did it before, we shall do it again, because all forms of literature are embedded in our DNA. We just need a few resilient men and women provoked enough to rise up and do all that is inbuilt in Africans. Sing, write, chant, create and dance, because we are African and Literature is our business.

Kabeeria Kaume
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through litreature because the mother of all sciences is theology. Literally the words about God, even of God. We have by divine providence the assurance of Achebe that indeed mother is supreme. The queen of all knowledge is embodied first and fully in the wisdom of God. By which thousands of songs and sonnets, volumes and majesterial arts have found inspiration and given life to valleys of dry bones. Surely He has said to them and us, my Words are Spirit and life. Africa, the enigma and bequeathing fount, where the Savior refuge found will not praise to Him resound when from the dearths of darkness your light will abound.

Never loosing sight of the many holy and brilliant men that gave pen, life and limb to the fairest of ten thousands. Fathers who have known him who is from the beginning. This is not a Western idea, but a divine and Eastern reality. Written not only in the book of nature but evident in that of science and proven in the life of every saint. All truth is God’s truth.

For us youth let us be strengthened in Him, who in us is greater than all the world. May we overcome! Like pews on Monday let our heads and hearts not be empty, but as throngs not only on the Sabbath let Africa worship in Spirit and truth. Then we will see a blood washed continent revived by His breath, ablaze in zeal, vitalized with holiness and surprised by your love. Beginning with your Word. King eternal and Lord immortal, be pleased to give the scribes from Africa treasures both old and new, passion so deep and true that your unfolding purpose will by their ink and lives bleed echoes of Calvary’s victory.

That you little children by their witness might know the Father, will embrace the source and cause, for whom the bell tolls. Purse in earnest the prize which awaits all those who have loved His appearance.

2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because its our culture to carry information from generation to generation through stories. In the days of old our stories were not documented by written word but were narrated under the evening fire after a hard day’s work at the farm. These stories exercised our imaginative faculty and are filled with all forms of literary devices such as onomatopoeia, poetry,song and dance and made life great.

Wisdom of the ages is stored in them. It was transferred to the younger generation by asking questions that would make them think. Every story had a moral behind it. This is unlike today where one may not get a good chance to interact with the teachers who can ask questions to see if the child has understood the message conveyed. We are often in a hurry to write exams which isn’t always an accurate measure of understanding. Then it was the societies obligation to make sure each youth knew their place in society.

So the question begs how will literature which is modern help transform Africa? The truth of the matter is now we have the advantage of a repository of information. When I was in primary school, we learnt traditional songs and dances as part of our curriculum. I studied in cosmopolitan schools and had the advantage of interacting with many kenyan cultures. This afforded me an opportunity to learn from others and expand my imagination, memory, reasoning and understanding.

Books are amazing as they allow us to travel back in history and learn who we truly are. Once we get that footing then moving forward is quite easy. Our first president wrote a book called facing Mount Kenya. It has information on how the Kikuyu people conducted their affairs. I wasn’t taught much of this as a child. My parents and grandparents followed the missionary’s system. What they were taught as Christianity deleted most of our culture. The missionaries’ culture overwrote our culture and we forgot ourselves. There is a kiswahili saying mwacha mila ni mtumwa. This means that if you forget your culture, you lose your identity. This isn’t an indictment on them, it just shows we express who we are as we search for truth.

Now there may be part of our culture that wasn’t as good but our systems of governance were robust despite not having written books or rules. In fact the United Kingdom doesn’t have a written constitution but their culture consists of quite disciplined people. A good example is keeping time which is a struggle for many in Africa yet while we work in Europe we are quite disciplined and keep time.

In a nutshell written literature allows us to learn a lot of information as it’s an accurate documentation process. Science has shown that if we read our written class notes the next day we retain 75 % of what we learnt. If we don’t read at all or do it much later our rate drops to 50%.

Literature is a form of expression of our inner most self. I recall how I would write love poetry during my high school days and it brought out many powerful emotions. Literature gives us an opportunity to paint pictures with words and stimulates our creativity. I recall both English and Kiswahili literature were amongst the most exciting classes. The stories we read then gave us the opportunity to learn about various topics. Active participation was part of the lessons and this allowed each student to enjoy the learning process.

I do hope that in the future we take up the culture of telling our stories around the fire. It’s done in many cultures and with today’s tools such as the phone with many applications (apps) the world is literally in the palm of your hand. Literature is a timeless tool that spans across many centuries and is as old as man comprehension of speech. Let’s make literature great again!

Jean Wairimu Kamina
Jean Wairimu Kamina
2 years ago

“It’s time for African authors to shine!”. I heard these words recently from Muthoni Omukhango, the National Director of CLC Kenya, and could not agree more.

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because the end of the world is in Africa. Africa needs to tell her story and do it authentically. For a long time, Africa’s story has been described by non-Africans and skewed towards addressing a specific agenda or course.

Through African literature, a seed is being planted. God has equipped Africans with diverse gifts and talents. Story-telling is one of them.

The first way Africa’s future will be secured is through cultural preservation. Our culture will be preserved through documentation. Colonialism and neo-colonialism have changed the African way of life, such as speaking and dressing. The one thing that cannot be taken away from Africa is her undeniably rich heritage. Future generations must be informed about it through the books that have been written by African authors. Literature builds communities. When people read a story they can relate to, they have a connection.

Secondly, knowledge is power. We must promote a reading culture, especially among the youth, who comprise much of the population. Once we have young Africans who are well informed, Africa’s future will be secured because better decisions will be made. More than 60% of Africa’s population is under 25. By 2030, young Africans are expected to constitute 42% of global youth (Why Africa’s Youth Hold the Key to Its Development Potential, world economic forum 01,2022).

A third aspect of securing Africa’s future through literature is its contribution to global diversity. African writing encourages the world to embrace cultural diversity. We have been used to reading books from the Global North. However, we need to broaden our perspective by hearing views from other parts of the world. This will bring about global diversity, which will add value to the future of Africa.

Rebranding will be another critical path toward securing the future of Africa through literature. The mainstream media has generally painted a dismal picture of Africa in the global scene. Through African authors, a more positive image of Africa will be portrayed to the world thereby addressing the skewed perception of what Africa has to offer.

African literature will provide inspiration and mentorship to future African leaders. Authors like Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the current Director-General of the World Trade Organization, encourage many African men and women aspiring to occupy positions of leadership. She is the first woman and African to serve as Director-General and the author of numerous articles and books, including themes on women and leadership.

The future of Africa will also be secured through gender mainstreaming provided by the increasing number of women writers on the continent. Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is one of them. The author is authentic, true to her roots, and known for her books that use the history of the Nigerian civil war to create stories that tell people the tales of war, pain, love, and happiness.

Finally, passing on moral values to future generations will provide security to Africa’s future. In many African societies, an essential aspect of traditional education is teaching oral literature using folktales, riddles, and proverbs, which aim at moulding character and providing children with moral values such as honesty, integrity, courage, and solidarity. – Enongene Mirabeau Sone, (2018) The Folktale and Social Values In Traditional Africa, Pages 142-159.

Yes, I agree with Muthoni. It is time for African authors to shine!

Dora Kemirimo Okuja
Dora Kemirimo Okuja
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because in the beginning was the Word. God created all things that exist through the Word. Our words are an integral part of who we are and who we become.

Oral literature was our way of keeping our stories alive and active. The last few years have seen quite a number of these custodians pass on and the baton is now with a younger and more diverse population. The language in which this form of literature was passed on is now archaic. Even as we perform the dances and old forms of poetry, it is only for a few. It is relegated to performing artists and no longer the way we do things in our homes. This form now defines our past. We need to look to the future.

There is a growing interest in Africa. In the stories about Africa and the vast experiences of the people of Africa. Be it from potential investors or the diasporans or journalists, and so it is time to write these stories. Africa is extremely diverse, from language, to climate, to philosophers. We have an opportunity to tell these stories in such a way that no one is excluded but everyone is recognized.

It was in Africa that some of the oldest libraries were found. It was a son of Ham in Nineveh who set up the first library. I believe if we convert our oratory skills probably through transcribing, our children would have a great wealth of knowledge and information in which they are themselves.

Vincent Ogutu
Vincent Ogutu
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because of the rich historical culture of storytelling that was effectively used to pass over knowledge from one generation to another.

Indeed the Nigerian authors prof. Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe opened the path of African literacy discourse.

A brief background about ‘things fall apart’ novel, it lacked a publishing house that was willing to birth the manuscript. Fast forward today, the book is a set book in many universities globally and particularly in Europe as part of literary as well as African studies.

A people without the knowledge of it’s history is a lost generation.

Egypt is referred to as the epitome of early civilization. It is claimed that it was raided and occupied with many foreign powers because of its wealth and civilization. The cultural writings and ancient languages were lost. Indeed using modern techniques in archeology efforts have been made to reclaim the lost history from historical records that need interpretation.

In addition, Ethiopia as a country prides itself in having own alphabet, and own language and truly today it is among the fastest growing countries economically in the world.

A journey through African literary circles has contributions from Nigerian authors, Egyptian, South African as well as Kenya represented by Ngugi waThiongo. Prof. Ngugi started writing in kikuyu language even though he taught English and literature abroad. His books have been translated into many languages. Moreover he was recognized in Spain in the catalonia province in which his speech in kikuyu was translated and aired globally. African literature thus makes a strong contribution to the development of literature as well as African folklore skills shared with the world.

Moreover, the Igbo from Nigeria have a strong mastery of storytelling seen in Nigerian movies, songs and written literature. Ms. Chimamanda is a Nigerian novelist, storyteller and speaker who is taking over the world by storm. She is a powerful speaker, spreading the culture of oral tradition. Her literary works make her some money, has encouraged many other young African writers to follow their dreams and passions.

Unknown to many, Chimamanda started studying to become a medical doctor. Her passion for telling stories became a better injection; rather than injecting using medicine she injected book lovers with witty stories, laughter and happiness.

Africa is the next frontier for development because it has vast arable land useful for food production and food security. Secondly, the population estimated at 1.3 billion is a huge market for economic pursuits. Lastly African literature allows the people in the continent to connect and identify with the writings as our own.

In summary, African literature provides the African people with identity, a source of pride for the African people. It gives us an opportunity to rewrite falsehoods hidden in foreign literature and history books regarding the Africa people history, culture and beliefs. Africa literature has become of age to support Africa’s development. It can stand side by side with Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, and any ancient literature.

Patricia Henry
Patricia Henry
2 years ago

Literature is the way information, whether scientific, fictional, inspirational or spiritual, is communicated to future generations.

The future of Africa is secured through literature because there is a rise of the “woke” generation that is seeking answers and moving away from storytelling to reading.

This is a time for African authors to align themselves with this generation in order to pass on information that can transform, inspire and inform future generations.

When we write, we are creating a reality that doesn’t exist yet. This is how ideologies are born and carried from one generation to another. This is why, as authors, we have a great responsibility to be articulate and precise in our thoughts that give birth to words that future generations will read and become that which we hope to see.

More people are searching for more than surviving and want to experience a sense of oneness in their being, hope and inspiration.

The information systems are becoming a reality in Kenya and Africa as a whole. People are searching for information on how to start a business. For example, I was recently looking for a publisher. I googled and found different publishers, I engaged with them, and measured their operating systems against my needs and goal. I finally settled in CLC, Kenya. My point is that people are looking for information that is relevant to meet their needs.

Future generations will be empowered by the literature written today.

Pamela Babirukamu
Pamela Babirukamu
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through lietrature because our rich heritage and people centered values are slowly becoming extinct with the infiltration of western culture. The future generations must have evidence of the principles, norms and beliefs that made the Ubuntu philosophy – the heart of humanity. Ubuntu provided an opportunity for human beings to live by human and humane principles such as reciprocity even in the smallest of gestures such as extending grace to oneother; living and working for the common good thus maintaining strong family bonds; maintaining peaceful relations as a means to promoting healthy environments; and emphasising human dignity and the value of human life. Sadly, today, the infiltration of the western self-centered culture has adulterated and challenged ubuntuism. Every one seems to be on the quest for individual happiness. The ‘crab ‘ syndrome (individualism) has over ridden ubuntuism. The future generations must know that humans live and thrive in communities.

On the other hand, as a woman living in the 21st century, I have seen the African woman evolve slowly from subjugation to liberation – a place where their voice is heard and I trust that in the generations to come, she will be able to live life to her full potential with little or no hindrances arising from gender inequalities. The discrepancy between the two worlds must be documented for the future generations to appreciate and not take for granted, the freedom presented to women. Let’s join hands and secure Africa through African literature.

Kabeeria Kaume
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through litreatre because the mother of all sciences is theology. Literally the words about God, even of God. We have by divine providence the assurance of Achebe that indeed mother is supreme. The queen of all knowledge is embodied first and fully in the wisdom of God. By which thousands of songs and sonnets, volumes and majesterial arts have found inspiration and given life to valleys of dry bones. Surely He has said to them and us, my Words are Spirit and life. Africa, the enigma and bequeathing fount, where the Savior refuge found will not praise to Him resound when from the dearths of darkness your light will abound.

Never loosing sight of the many holy and brilliant men that gave pen, life and limb to the fairest of ten thousands. Fathers who have known him who is from the beginning. This is not a Western idea, but a divine and Eastern reality. Written not only in the book of nature but evident in that of science and proven in the life of every saint. All truth is God’s truth.

For us youth let us be strengthened in Him, who in us is greater than all the world. May we overcome! Like pews on Monday let our heads and hearts not be empty, but as throngs not only on the Sabbath let Africa worship in Spirit and truth. Then we will see a blood washed continent revived by His breath, ablaze in zeal, vitalized with holiness and surprised by your love. Beginning with your Word. King eternal and Lord immortal, be pleased to give the scribes from Africa treasures both old and new, passion so deep and true that your unfolding purpose will by their ink and lives bleed echoes of Calvary’s victory.

That you little children by their witness might know the Father, will embrace the source and cause, for whom the bell tolls. Purse in earnest the prize which awaits all those who have loved His appearance.

Jane Wangeci
Jane Wangeci
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because its only  in books thet we get to see the true picture of African people,  from stories of those who existed before us. Being able to identify with a character from an african book is one way of getting into its deep heritage.  Having a wide variety of people,  it is therefore very wealthy in terms of human behaviour and people relations.

Various authors have greatly contributed to culture and historical recognition of african stories. for instance Meja Mwangi in his book, The Little White Man, has made a clear record of the events that took place during the era of freedom fighting.  This is an example of how well events, cultures,relationships  and history can be safely safeguarded in books that remain as references for many years.

In life, literature acts as a mirror. In modern society and times, where existence of technology almost rules out need for books, literature offers solutions to issues like in human conflict. Diversity of topics covered is a clear indication that there is so much to offer. Many people coexist in one way or another thus creating diverse settings for stories to be created.

It is only in Africa where over one hundred tribes who had different beliefs exist. This kind of cultural wealth will only be of value if recorded somewhere by someone.  In truth, the continent is so rich that were there enough books on almost all tribes, a library would not be  big enough to hold the content. Through history, we get to learn our origins, beliefs, trades, cultures and heritage.

It is therefore important to state that we learn through those who existed before us and through creatively thought content.  In Africa, one would not exhaust in one book. As issues occur, others unfold. It is therefore good for authors with African descent to take advantage of the rich wealth and put it down on paper. 

Let’s tell stories of Africa,  the African  way, without fear or favour. Our fellow Africans will find value in them. As much as literature is part of the curriculum from high schools, the art of story telling and reading out loud should be included from early learning stages. This paves way for pupils to understand their various aspects of life and inculcate values in early stages.

In conclusion,  it is important to keep the African content, African books and African authors empowered. This ensures they write stories that are relevant and relate to the people intended to read them. Different stages in life call for different calibre of content. For instance, the children, youth, young adults and the elderly.  There is much to write

Lillian B. Nabwire
2 years ago

With written literature teachers and parents are able to teach children the richness of their cultural heritage helping them understand norms and values.
Literate helps to read and know about their culture for instance there are things that ww were not taught about but got the privilege of knowing what happened through reading the available history.
Literature is one of the best ways to preserve information as people are able to share information which helps others appreciate historical and cultural events.
As the saying goes;experience is the best teacher, written literature helps future generations avoid past mistakes helping them to be more resourceful and innovative.

Maureen Babu
Maureen Babu
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because most importantly, readers are leaders.

An informed leader is effective and makes decisions from a point of knowledge, with insight from other peoples experiences and viewpoints, other than their own.

Frederick Kilonzo
Frederick Kilonzo
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because literature speaks across generations. Thus one may say that without literature there is no voice to future generations, no lessons and therefore no way to avoid perpetuating the same mistakes. In a sense therefore, literature is not only the future, but also the only way to secure the future. No wonder God chose literature as the perfect way to propagate His eternal Word across thousands of generations. Simply put: no literature; no future. Period. Africa and the world must have literature to have any future.

Katherine Silva
Katherine Silva
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because this future depends on our Children and we must look at their foundational learning today in order to have an stronger future. This way we will not only teach these children values we want to inculcate for the whole African community but we will also preserve knowledge that is already there and share these lessons and learn form them as we preserve our heritage.
Literature can teach, encourage, empower and uplift yet it can also bring to the surface inadequacy or weakness that we need to work on, it can revive, guide us on reversal and restoration.
Africa is its people and we can only progress through Literature which has had significant roles such as creating social consciousness, raising awareness of various crisis issues and literacy keep us up with what is changing in education.
We can increase literacy in Africa by promoting a culture of reading, encourage parents and guardians to read and make books accessible to All. The literature it self needs to be encourage to be created in Africa, such as guiding budding authors and lending them a hand to become authors, an example of what CLC Kenya does, enhancing the quality of value and the work put out from Authors.

bernard maingi
bernard maingi
2 years ago

The future of Africa will be secured through literature because we have a story to tell. We have a story to share we have a story to uplift others

The greatest tragedy is to go to grave with all the wisdom and knowledge which would have otherwise have helped someone through reading. By putting that story using pen and paper, you leave a rich legacy to tap into your resources even when you are long gone and transform one’s life for the best and have a lasting impact.

Information is currency to be used to change generations. African future can and will be secured through literature as many accomplished authors leave a resource rich literature behind for generations to come.

The richest place in the universe is in the graves. Many have with invaluable information which otherwise would have been valuable to the entire generation. Therefore, the need to ensure, any and all ideas, information and story is put on pen and paper to build a lasting legacy through literature. We are Africans and Africa is our business. To change our generations we must put out our stories out there for all to read and share. When you open your mouth you tell the world who you are. When you put the story in pen and paper you change the generation and secure Africa through literature.

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