What is in it for me? He asked. Why should I come here or go there? The modern marketers value social capital. They say it can be monetized to have contacts and know people who know other people in a particular place. I have come to learn that most people consider every relationship to be valuable. It may not be monetized in financial terms but there is something in it for them. It could be security, trust, dependability, comfort, assistance the list is endless.
Profitability is a basic instinct for mankind. It drives most to spend their time, resources and lives where there is gain whether perceived or real. Companies are established with a purpose to profit. Even scripture affirms this. ‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul’? Mark 8:34-36. The message of the good news is unique. It is so profitable to the souls of men but freely given by Jesus Christ. It is so simplified that many may miss it just like that. It is not a business transaction so if measured by that basis many will lose the point, as a matter of fact they will out rightly reject it.
Jesus’ new way
When Jesus Christ came he brought a new way that was unexpected. All that was required was worship in spirit and truth. To take his message one was expected to return worship in truth and spirit. These are currencies that are drawn from the heart and not material. Salvation came as a game changer. The ground was leveled for anyone and everyone. All man is now required of is accept Jesus Christ, follow him and grow faith a seed that is planted in the hearts and blossom it to later bare fruit. Jesus Christ brought a treasure indeed hidden in jars of clay. Paul affirms that; “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.,” the treasure he is referencing is the light of the gospel, the message of Jesus and the glory of God reflected in Jesus- 2 Corinthians 4:7.
Humans have designed universal protocols of handling treasure. There is a way it is treated. Its scarcity has led to the development of studies and even ways to preserve it. To keep its value intact or even appreciate it. There is also a way to curate this treasure, classify it and even set up exhibitions for the public to witness and observe at a fee. Some even construct museums to display the treasures. If man can take all the time and trouble to do so, then why not God to also construct what he treasures in hearts of men? Truth be told he already did it, He established it in Jesus Christ his son.
The Light of Jesus Christ
His light casts away darkness. There is much more to profit from by accepting him. Yes, this is the true essence of the message of the good news. Treasures hidden in jars of clay. Only those that accepted him were willing to give up all they ever lived for and by and followed the messiah. They were assured that he was no ordinary Rabbi but there was something that telling could not explain but rather one had to experience for themselves.
This treasure lies in jars of clay but it is one that grows wellsprings into eternal life.
Till next time.