Women of Resilience: Angela Nsimbi’s Guide to Inner Healing and Mental Health

My name is Angela Nsimbi
I have loved writing for as long as l can remember. Whenever, I read a novel, or listened to a sermon there was something for me to write down. This describes me to date.

My journey to becoming an author began when l would write in my journal during those quiet moments of personal devotional time. The Holy Spirit has inspired me along the way and this gave birth to my second book, ARISE and Shine, Balm for the mind.
I give special focus to female personalities in the Bible to help women borrow tips for resilience for one to enjoy better mental health.
Every woman will find herself in Leah who was in a love triangle and was not loved, or a reflection of herself in the woman with the issue of blood. Alternatively, one might find themselves in Tamar, a princess who was raped by her half-brother Amnon. These stories are not commonly handled even on the church walls.

I am big on inner healing, and with this in mind, l ventured to explore how the different women dealt with their challenges, where they failed and what we too can learn from them. I believe that God wants us whole, only then can we live to our full potential.
Supporting people on the journey of mental health recovery is important to me because l love to see happy and functional people using their gifts and talents to Impact lives for our nation’s development and especially for God’s glory.

I was very curious about how to use the Bible as therapy. This is why, l read extensively about these women and realized women need to be heard and also have permission to heal.
Reflecting on my own journey of mind battles, l have observed that pain is at the root of them. I have applied the word of God and it works. To this day, l declares the word over myself for better mental health and it is profoundly effective in helping me overcome mind battles.

I can see through manipulative people who like to control people with mind games. This helps me easily overlook offense hence l enjoy better mental health because of a positive mindset.

I desire to see more women enjoy 😉 good Mental health as we all embrace healing. Having wholesome relationships in families, at the workplace, and in the community inspires this writing journey. I love to see happy people, who are thriving in their uniqueness.


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