
Wonder Mukami

Wonder Mukami is currently a Ph.D. student in Leadership and Management. Has an MBA( Strategic Management and Leadership).

She is a distinguished Professional Counselor and a former Physics and Mathematics teacher who transitioned into youth mentorship.

Wonder is positioned at the intersection of academic excellence and impactful leadership in her quest into birthing a new breed of young people in her generation.

Books by Wonder Mukami

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


The world is in a serious youth’s crisis: We are about to lose a whole generation! The youth are faced with a myriad of challenges that neither they nor their support systems know how to navigate.

In the backdrop of these challenges, the author of this precious gem has taken time to develop a comprehensive guide for youth and their opinion leaders; especially as part of of school curriculum.

She explores the lengths, breaths and depths of youthful dynamics and offers insightful, practical nuggets and rays of hope required in ushering youth to their respectful destinies.

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Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
1 month ago

Interesting book Lucy Mukami. Thanks for initiating an all round book for the to transform young people in schools, and to challenge and transform the education system for the better. The process will not always be easy, but for sure with God you will never go wrong. Keep pushing for His agenda, He will surely come through for you. You can already attest that you have made some milestones despite the Challenges. God is in this story. Congratulations on your nomination.đź‘Ź

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