Wonder Mukami

Wonder Mukami is currently a Ph.D. student in Leadership and Management. Has an MBA( Strategic Management and Leadership).
She is a distinguished Professional Counselor and a former Physics and Mathematics teacher who transitioned into youth mentorship.
Wonder is positioned at the intersection of academic excellence and impactful leadership in her quest into birthing a new breed of young people in her generation.
Books by Wonder Mukami
“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

The world is in a serious youth’s crisis: We are about to lose a whole generation! The youth are faced with a myriad of challenges that neither they nor their support systems know how to navigate.
In the backdrop of these challenges, the author of this precious gem has taken time to develop a comprehensive guide for youth and their opinion leaders; especially as part of of school curriculum.
She explores the lengths, breaths and depths of youthful dynamics and offers insightful, practical nuggets and rays of hope required in ushering youth to their respectful destinies.
Youthmatics is an incredibly eye opening read for everybody today’s world. Not only does it highlight how to get to and make a success of the young people it also does help the parent and guardian to be able to know how better to engage the young generation. It’s incredibly eye opening book by sister Wonder Mukami. Great piece, I recommend it any day any time. Really good and well researched book.
Wonder Mukami book youth about the youth is so informative to youths and their parents
Youth Matics is an excellent book for this generation. Congratulations my younger sister.
Keep it up
This is a cutting edge content by sister Wonder Mukami . It cuts across all ages and I would recommend it to all . If you need a book right to read right now then Youthmatics is the book !
This is great work. You are scaling the heights of excellence in this endeavour. God’s grace and favour to locate you always.
Congratulations my sister wonder mukami,I’m so excited to have read your work, your book has inspired me alot and has made a real difference in my life ,you deserve all the success
A wonderful piece of work very informative and touching directly to our needs .
Excellent, Informative, Prophetic and a Book for this generation – Youth-Matics. I have recommended to many other who want to understand and positively influence the young generation. Keep writing, keep influencing and Keep lifting the Banner of Jesus Christ.
Congratulations sister Mukami. I’m impressed with your books and I would recommend them to the younger generation. They’re a must read books because they’re an eye opener to everyone who read them. Congratulations once again Sister, may your star glow brighter in this field as you continue to mentor the next generation. Congratulations for being nominated in ACABA 2024 rewards. God bless
Wonder Mukami book is an eye opener, it teaches,inspires and packages the youth and adults. Well done Mukami.
This is a great masterpiece by Mukami. It is a beacon for every youth and a guide to every parent, mentor, or guardian in charge of youths. It is book I will repeatedly recommend for the youth and those involved in Youth affairs.
I loved Wonder’s book… It’s very informative and dynamic.
Interesting book, all I can say! You’re blessing indeed sent from above to come and inspire and motivate this generation that are operating in darkness , I can testify for how you have been so good to me, my life change completely ever since I meet and be guided by you, you’re full of knowledge and committed servant of kingdom!
Congratulations on your nomination to ACABA 2024 keep flying the world is waiting for you
Congratulations my sister wonder ,I’m so excited at marvelous good work, your book is inspiration to our society.We give God all the Glory.
Such a book ought to be read widely by all youth. The approach is amazing and captivating. With todays dynamics the book offers guidance with clarity of ideas that allows the audience to apply knowledge. The well articulated concepts confirms mastery of addressing day to day challenges of youth and shows you are in touch with reality. You are a great woman in this generation and you are destiny is biggest.
Wonderful dear sister.
Let the sky be your limit
An inspiring and motivating book to readers especially in secondary level, institutions of higher learning and churches. The book pores through the counsels of academic, social, financial, political, economic, spiritual giants and giants in other fields. Calls for the youth to be great thinkers to decide and choose their own Lifestyles while reflecting that both negative and positive consequences await their. Choices. This literature when well understood can help the youth to navigate safely through the storms of peer pressure and avoid being ensnared by the various additions and abuses rampant in our institutions of learning and society at large.
Congratulations Sister Wonder for thenomination. YouthMatics is an awesome script that will inspire and mould the destinies of many youths in many generations to come. By the helpof our Lord Jesus Christ Sister Wonder you will soar high like an eagle to great heights. Keep it up. Zenith is your portion.
By all accounts, your book is a must-read for young people and a true eye-opener! You clearly put a lot of effort into your research because the book is extremely accurate and informative, demonstrating the skill of a careful writer. It makes me want to read it again and again. Congratulations on your merited ACABA 2024 nomination! The possibilities are endless, Ma’am. May you always be richly blessed by God.
A very Interesting book to read Lucy Mukami.A big blessing mostly to the youth .It broadens our horizons on how best bring the much needed transformation in our school systems .Congratulations for being nominated in ACABA 2024.Go for it girl.
I’m impressed by your hardwork and dedication Wonder Mukami.The book is a testament to your talent.It has really stood out to me.
Your book is an eye opener to the youth. Indeed a must read book by any standards! I believe you took alot of your time to research because I find the book so accurate on subject details and an art of a very keen writer to say the least! I’d love to read this book over and over again. Congratulations to on your nomination to ACABA 2024. The sky isn’t even the limit Madam. God bless you.
Interesting book Lucy Mukami. Thanks for initiating an all round book for the to transform young people in schools, and to challenge and transform the education system for the better. The process will not always be easy, but for sure with God you will never go wrong. Keep pushing for His agenda, He will surely come through for you. You can already attest that you have made some milestones despite the Challenges. God is in this story. Congratulations on your nomination.đź‘Ź
The book you have written is so wonderful in it’s true reflection of the True mentorship and guidance to the African youth in the contemporary social fabric. You have shown immense value in the youth dynamics and inspiration that touches the soul and mind of the generation that needs every hour of mentorship and teaching as well as spiritual breadth. May God give more grace to fulfill the mission.
Very insightful. Very inspiring. Very impactful. That’s what I can say about your book. May you continue to positively influence this generation and the ones to come. Jesus Christ is Lord
Very impactful. Should be read by everyone, both Parents and the youth.
Very inspiring. May God strengthen you to continue inspiring the body of Christ.