
Zipporah K. Sila

Zipporah is a seasoned mentor and pastor. Together with her husband, Apostle Micah K. Sila, they lead an apostolic church in RUIRU with a campus in the CBD of Nairobi and branches in different counties.

She is the founder of kingdom girls on kingdom assignment, a ladies’ monthly meeting whose mission is women mentoring women through the scriptures.

She is a professional fashion designer and a manufacturer. Zipporah is the CEO of House of ZIPPY( an award winning fashion house) and ZIPPY organics. ( Health, skin, and hair product line). She is also the director of a fashion school, The ZIPPORAH INSTITUTE OF FASHION AND ARTS. ( ZIFA)

From her early age, she encountered the power of God, and this was the beginning point of her transformation, Her passion is to connect people to the power of the Holy Spirit, who in return reveals and empowers them to fulfill their God-given assignment.

Books by Zipporah K Sila

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”

Created for the Assignment

This is not only a great book that will provoke, plug and plunge you into your reason of existence, but it is also a rare look into the life of a person who befriends God. This book is written to help develop a culture in us, through us and around us that invites a holy visitation and established an habitation for the kingdom of God So that fulfilling our kingdom assignment becomes a natural way of life.

Tales of a Kenyan Girl

The inspiration behind these fictional accounts is a summation of the different challenges, phases, and victories that the 21st Century Kenyan girl experiences. Through her mentorship program, Pastor Zipporah K. Sila studied a pattern that a large number of girls go through and how that weighs them down, but also, how they rise up victoriously over them.

Diana was a girl who came from a poor yet Christian background. She passed and was enrolled in a top-tier university. She then met with a girl also from a Christian background, Stella, but the difference was that she came from a well-to-do family. Their story is set on the backdrop of their sharing of a hostel and their interactions with each other and also with others on the campus. What follows is a roller coaster of events and happenings, but thankfully, victory is in sight. This is an encouraging read and will foster hope and the possibility of a second chance to the reader.

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Roland Kirubi
Roland Kirubi
5 months ago

There are authors who write coz they have creative juices, but there are some who are moved to move the pen, coz beyond their creative flair, they know the Creator. Such are the heart-turning works of Pst Zipporah K. Sila ! Whether on her socials or on her published literary works.

She also seems to be graced to excel in EVERYTHING she touches!

I have never met her, but she is such a gift!

Beatrice Ongeri
Beatrice Ongeri
6 months ago

Wonderful writing @⁨ Zipporah Sila 👏. Both “created for the assignment” and “tales of a Kenyan girl” books are relevant to influence positive living. May you continue inspiring many for God’s glory. Congratulations on your nomination and book Launch.🎉

Fridah Nyawira
Fridah Nyawira
6 months ago

It’s always captivating and mind blowing when interacting with pastor Zipporah K Sila stories. The blend of the spirit life and the natural is well articulated to show that they are one!. And in moments of reading along I find myself transformed and built up in my most Holy Faith!

Dawn Matinde
Dawn Matinde
6 months ago

This blog is a must-read for anyone who’s ever desired to Host The Holy Spirit and fulfill God given purpose. Tales of a Kenyan girl is a testament to Pastor Zipporah’s incredible ability to blend fiction with life’s most important situations and how to overcome. I can’t wait to see what she writes next!

Upright Mwayi
Upright Mwayi
6 months ago

Articles with words that are seasoned. Recommended to any Christian thats pursuing growth

Doreen Undisa
Doreen Undisa
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah has inspired me to desire and pursue hard after God through the Kingdom girls meeting and through her writings which are spirit filled from tales of a Kenyan girl. She has echoed a lot in pursuing righteousness in our place of assignment that has helped me understand my purpose here on earth and serving the LORD faithfully and last but not least being fruitful. Thank you so much Pastor Zipporah K Sila.

purity kimani
purity kimani
6 months ago

Pastor Zippy is a proverbs 31 woman. Everytime she talks.. wisdoms is the only thing that is being poured.
As the word says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, and a good man out of the treasure of his heart bring forth good things.
I lack words to describe the kind and a rare woman she is.
She is a Holy Spirit carrier.
A God fearing Woman.
A woman whose hiding place is the secret of The Most High.
A woman we all admire to be like.

Am looking forward to reading the upcoming book.
Pst Zippy is an epitome woman.

Duncan Mwendwa
Duncan Mwendwa
6 months ago

Since I knew pastor zipporah Sila, My Life has never been the same, especially your preachings has really changed and transformed me. You are a true servant of God, anointed, approved and appointed. I’m looking forward to More book from you Mum.
Your are a good mentor to me and also a good client to Dan salonist.

Last edited 6 months ago by Duncan Mwendwa
Nancy Munyao
Nancy Munyao
6 months ago

A very young girl who had just completed her primary education, and right after she got saved! How we thought it was a joke! But the joke was on us, she has stood firm in salvation from that age until now. She’s all about God and salvation. Good job zippy, be blessed.

6 months ago


Last edited 5 months ago by CLC Kenya
Tabitha Kimani
Tabitha Kimani
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah is the epitome of a virtuous woman in my generation: she fears the LORD, she wears so many hats with abundant grace, she is full of faith and wisdom, to say the least. My interactions with her have left me desiring to know God like she does, even through a very intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, which translates into how she lives her life. It follows therefore, that her writing is by the Spirit and therefore powerful for the transformation of the reader, to not only grow holistically, but also live for the reason they were created.

6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah is an embodiment of the light of Christ in my generation.
Wonderful job.

Mary Mutisya
Mary Mutisya
6 months ago

Pastor Zippy,she is a holy spirit oriented author,,,the books she wrote is a clear indication of been a good author..she is a Great inspiration to our society…..

Getrude Khakasa Avungana
Getrude Khakasa Avungana
6 months ago

I have extensively interacted with Pastor Zipporah K. Sila’s Christian blogs. I love how she offers a powerful blend of spiritual insight and real-world wisdom in her write ups through evocative storytelling and bold exploration of sensitive topics. She fearlessly tackles issues many shy away from. Her writing, exemplified in “Tales of a Kenyan Girl” resonates with authenticity and depth. Her passion for helping others discover and fulfill their God-given purposes shines through, inspiring us to embrace our spiritual assignments. With a unique voice that bridges cultural experiences and universal truths, pastor Zipporah’s write up’s are a must-read for those seeking spiritual growth and personal empowerment.

Beryl Bwire
Beryl Bwire
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah’s books are nothing short of Holy Ghost-inspired writings!Just as the men that wrote the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit in their writings in that day which has had consequence throughout generations until now, the same goes for Pastor Zipporah, that through her writings , lives are changed, people experience the Lord and get to host Him. The words from her books carry Spirit, and they carry life because that is who she also carries hence translates it to writings! ‘Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven’ being made manifest right before our eyes.
Definitely looking forward to seeing and reading more of her books. Thank you.

Last edited 6 months ago by Beryl Bwire
Rosenelly Makandi
Rosenelly Makandi
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah has been my mentor for a couple of years now. She has helped me have an understanding on assignment and how to get to know my God given Assignment. She has helped understand and desire intimacy with the Holy Spirit. I’ve been built up under her mentorship.

Cyndy Isaac
Cyndy Isaac
6 months ago

Transformation has consistently been availed on paper through her writing, this remains outstanding not just to me us an individual but to many in local and in global spectrum.
Its life giving to read through Pastor Zipporah’s nurturing, creative and skillful writing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Cyndy Isaac
Olivia Sang
Olivia Sang
6 months ago

I love reading Pastor Zipporah’s books because they are very relatable handling issues that arise in day to day living. She is also bold in addressing matters that most people shy away in christendom for either lack of understanding or for fear of controversy. Lastly, her books carry the zoe manifestation of God. They are a breeze in a very hot day. I look foward to reading more of her books. Thank you.

Olivia Sang
Olivia Sang
6 months ago
Reply to  Olivia Sang

I am sorry I meant her write up blogs since she is yet to publish her books. Thank you.

Wisdom Hera
Wisdom Hera
6 months ago

The books by Pst Zipporah K Sila makes it clear that we are on earth for an assignment. Reading these books has made me more passionate about attacking my God given assignment with clarity of what God expects from me. I recommend these books for the edification of the body of Christ.

6 months ago

The Lord Has shown me greatly mercy. Glory to His wonderful name

Maryanne Ammy
Maryanne Ammy
6 months ago

Pst Zipporah is such a gift to our generation. When I first met her I was just a young girl who had gotten married. Walking with her has taught me the capabilities of God. Looking at her live her assignment has always given me hope to live in mine. I thank God that seeing her walk with the Lord has shifted my life forever. I am looking forward to hearing and learning more about the assignment from her new book.

Mercy Karechu
Mercy Karechu
6 months ago

I love the musing of Zippy the tales of a Kenyan girl. It has helped me understand what happens to a person that has encountered God and has surrendered her life completely to God. Indeed God and only Him has a good plan for us.

Hope Waithera
Hope Waithera
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah Sila is a great beacon of light to all around her. I have been greatly impacted by her excellency in writing and in fulfilling her God given assignment.

Faith M.Cyndy
Faith M.Cyndy
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah is my spiritual mother,she is a light and a hope to my day, since I encountered her my life has never been the same let alone my walk with the Lord,
Her writing skills are not just captivating and intriguing but also so full of God,everytime I come across her different writings my heart has consistently turned without fail, I’ve encountered the Holy spirit and this has completely changed my life’s perspective and pointed me to righteousness every other time,
I just can’t capture the impact she has had in my life but I’m confident to say this,I HOPE FOR GLORY, EVEN THE COMING OF THE LORD!!!!
I love, honor and celebrate the grace that my mother is!!!

6 months ago

Phenomenal woman. A woman I honour and love. A woman whose wisdom penned on paper has become profitable to refine, redefine and put men and women on the path of assignment.

6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah, I thank God for bringing you into my life. God has used you to shape me into the person I am today. Your teachings on assignment and purpose have given my life meaning, completely changing my perspective from seeing life as pointless to understanding why God created me in the first place. Meeting you has filled me with gratitude for my existence, all for Abba’s glory. I know these books will be captivating—something you won’t want to put down. May God be glorified through your life.

Grace Brenda
Grace Brenda
6 months ago

Pst Zipporah is one person that displays the life of God in a manner that showcases the possibility of a generation to walk with God. I have watched her do life and seeing her closeness with the Holy Spirit has stirred me up to wanting God! She’s phenomenal and excellent in every area. She excels in all that she puts her hands on. I’m looking forward to seeing these books impact everyone that comes in contact with them. I being one!

Elsie Ommani
Elsie Ommani
6 months ago

Pastor Zipporah K Sila such a force!!A woman from God and of God.Through the kingdom girls on kingdom assignment forum I have come to know and love the Holy Spirit,my identity has became pegged to Christ and only Christ,my relationship with the LORD has grown and also my fashion sense I must say through her mentorship. I am becoming a whole woman.
I love Pastor Zipporah!!.

Last edited 6 months ago by Elsie Ommani
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