When You Have Made The Right Choices, Outcomes Calculated, But Life Happens

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If you are born or have lived in East Africa as a child, you will agree that mangoes are very much loved by children and adults. The Mangoes seasons gather children around mango trees because of their tasty and nice succulent looking, and appetizing appearance. Growing up, I lived in a home that had an avocado tree but no mango tree . I would trek almost half a kilometer when Mangoes were in season to go find them. Climbing trees to harvest them was the fun part. It was equally dangerous due to the risks involved while climbing. The trees had rough branches. It was expected and obvious that if one did not get a scratch , they would encounter wasps or if lucky some biting insects. The reward of getting the mangoes was more fulfilling than the risks. One cold day I trekked with my childhood friend to go find the mangoes.

As well mannered children we were raised to always ask for permission from the owners of the mango tree before climbing the tree. The transaction was simple. Climb and harvest the yellow, reddish succulent mangoes in exchange for a commission. A portion of the harvest was always given back to us as the wages of the labor and most times the toil. The trees had slippery stems and branches. On climbing one had to find a nice balance spot on the branches to avoid the risk of falling and missing their step. One interesting mango harvest mission, permission was granted to climb and harvest.

We never had any idea whatsoever that the home had 3 dogs though. The dogs had been let loose that day. I climbed and went on with the harvest. When the ripe mangoes had been put down and as I was beginning to climb down the tree. Lo and behold. Three dogs were under the tree. I was not only terrified but turned pale. I was left with a decision to either scream or come down and face the three beasts!. Choices, Chances and Cherishes were at work. Firstly the choice was to either come down and get bitten by the dogs. The chances of me sprinting away from them were slim. The cherishes for me in that moment was safety and no longer the excitement of getting my hard earned commission of the mango bounty!

Sometimes the choices we make are just right. The outcomes are well calculated. The rewards are outstandingly worth all efforts. The Chances of us getting out of the decision are as such that they bring with them joy but mostly gratification. The cherishes are always based on the reward that no other options would draw a decision better than was made in those moments. When Jesus Christ called Mathew the tax collector am sure he was faced with such a scenario. Luke 5:27–28. He was earning well. The tax collector of the day was a powerful person. Not because of the taxes he collected but the influence that came with the job. I can fathom that Mathew throwing in the towel when called by Jesus Christ was I guess almost like a scenario of me getting stuck in a mango tree. His mind must have raced away as he pondered on the decision he was about to make. Many of us are faced with similar hard Choices, Chances and Cherishes on a daily basis. The winds of change sweep the days as fast as a darting thought. The influences around us are sometimes so strong that sitting on one’s laurels is almost impossible. The temptations are so many and nerve wrecking that no other option may seem available. Spoilers come our way uninvited and knock us off our balance. These could be an abrupt sickness of a loved one, a thorny debt that won’t go away. A commitment whose deadline has arrived like a landlord rewinding a tenant of the rent which is due. The list is endless.

Jesus Christ knew this so well. In his prayer he quoted. ” Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”. Mathew 6:9-13. Meaning after temptations have come evil is definite. When I reflect on the full Lord’s prayer I understand in my soul to the core that it is very complete and a shield to guard us. When do we pray ? How do we pray and why should we pray it? The answer is not only in the toughest of times but should always be always pray the Lord’s prayer. This prayer actors us and holds us solidly and with peace it brings us to trust in our God. When did you last pray the Lord’s prayer? Jesus Christ is the best giver. He gave that prayer for us to hold our ground not by our strength but by his grace. In this, I appreciate that we were Jesus Christs’ Choice, Chance and Cherished forever that he willingly laid his life for us to have a chance at living the abundant life. John 10:10.

How did I get out of the dog situation? I was left with no option but to scream!. The mango tree owners came to my rescue and the day was saved by the scream!. I got my share of the mango bounty and majestically matched away the hero of the day by all standards!. A polyethene bag full of mangoes ,a huge smile on my face and a story to tell my friends at school the following week!
Till next time. God bless.

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