Alice Kwenda


Alice Akinyi Kwenda


Alice is a born-again Christian mother of a son and daughter and married. She is a counsellor and currently mainly works with refugees and Kenyan IDPs. Alice Akinyi Kwenda is a Psychological Counsellor, trainer, mentor and writer. She’s passionate about improving mental health well being and is ready to engage with anyone seeking the same. Alice offers psycho-education through trainings, group therapy and individual therapy for those who need specific Psychological support. She serves in church as a volunteer counsellor and writes when God allows. Her books are Christ centred and aimed at sharing God’s splendour and love. She believes in firm but gentle guidance into finding, understanding, and sharing God and his teachings. In her book, ‘A Soul ‘, she shares about how God has favoured her and believes in sharing testimonies of God’s hand in her life.

Books by Alice Akinyi Kwenda

“Impacting lives with Christian literature”


A Soul goes about seeking for God and his splendour. He finds God, learns that he must receive him to experience God’s attributes and finally share his experiences by mentoring others. He seeks to understand his daily life experiences. In his quest, he desires to know the why, what and who are involved in it. As the Holy spirit nudges him along, stirring his spirit and softening his heart to Christ, he extends his seeking to having a relationship with God almighty. The Seeking Soul learns how to embrace the knowledge and understanding he has gained and the process to receive it and hold onto it. The Holy spirit on request bestows upon him Christ-like attributes to be able to continue in the relationship with God almighty. A Soul in the process to gain knowledge and understanding of Christ-like living, begins to share his testimony and mentoring others who are seeking to have a relationship with God almighty.Seeking, Receiving, Mentoring.
A Soul.

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Impacting Lives With Christian Literature

CLC Kenya Ministries

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Richard kipkoech mutai
Richard kipkoech mutai
9 months ago

Great work

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