Unveiling Your Divine Purpose: One Blind Scribble at a Time – The Story of Ruth Oduor, an author, blogger, content writer, YouTuber, and financial advisor

Ruth A. Oduor is an author, blogger, content writer, YouTuber, and financial advisor with Britam Insurance Company. She is also a minister of the Gospel and the founder of Grace Favor Ministries.

Due to the ministry name, Grace Favor, many of her social handles are: @gracefavor/ministries.

Therefore, it is not a mistake, but they are all hers.

Her goal is to help readers explore and discover their divine destinies through her book. The purpose is to find God’s divine purpose and work and walk to its fulfillment. As a result, she became convinced she could use her story to impact others, especially those on the verge of giving up on life.

For God’s glory, we are designed with specific destinies to fulfill, not a trial-and-error method that attracts judgment. Each human being is created with a specific purpose that no one else can fulfill. Moreover, God gives each of us a different destiny based on the graces we carry. Sadly, many people wander away from the people God created them to be. Originally, they do this because they haven’t discovered or realized what they are. Considering this, she strongly recommends that everyone, especially young adults in search of their divine destiny, read this book.

Despite being blind to writing for quite some time, writing has always been a gift from her childhood. She experimented with different organizations. Changing companies and remembering hawking in the streets of Eldoret. Eventually, she decided to transition to the Middle East as a house manager. Amid the challenges and afflictions of life abroad, she came across a magazine that said, “Every story has a bead, and the beads combined make a complete necklace. She found herself in an unusual place she hadn’t expected in her entire life. She asked a lady she was with from Rodrigues what that might be (the magazine about the beads). The lady replied, “Who knows, maybe God is bringing you here to write a book?” The magazine with the beads had caught her eye.

She began writing Biblical Scripture, songs, and dreams as a teenager, her writings were kept in a well-covered exercise book. No one would want to return that book, but she always made sure not to leave it behind, even if it meant traveling some distance. From Mauritius, she went to the UAE, and her zeal for writing never died in her despite having no books with her and too many duties to handle. Consequently, she began writing on cardboard and publishing them in her room as a decoration. Her mistress instructed her to get rid of them one day because they looked like cabbages to her. That was in 2019.

However, the Jordanian family she lived with in Qatar in 2020 was wonderful, and she was able to create a YouTube channel by writing scripts from the Scriptures. Additionally, the Self-Publishing School (US-based) and Black Cards Books (Canadian-based) also invited her to participate in online seminars and webinars, where she gained much on how to self-publish a book. Despite what she was doing, the devil was not satisfied; he told her in a dream that what she was intending to do was just pure fabrication. The urge to use the washroom got the better of her, and, while sliding back the door, she nearly cut off one of her fingers. As if that was not enough, during the layout and publication of the book, she hurt her small toe with a bed frame and her ankle with an iron sheet, cutting her right leg, respectively. However, she resisted and pressed on regardless.

As soon as she returned home from Qatar in August 2021, she began writing on her blog gracefavourministries.blogspot.com and later, on her website gracefavourministries.co.ke, where she writes inspirational and motivational articles alongside her books. The title and cover design of her first book was revealed to her in a vision of the night while she was asleep. Unsure of the message, she woke up and wrote it down. She got back to sleep, and when she awoke, the vision was just as vivid as when she first encountered it.

The manuscript disappeared from her laptop despite her efforts to convince the devil. Her search of all the documents did not yield any results. The second person also searched unsuccessfully. It was scanned by a third party who found it to be a virus. The book was eventually retrieved, and she glorified the name of the Lord because she couldn’t figure out how she wrote it. It was divinely written!

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