Finding Faith in the Darkest Times: Beatrice Saina’s Journey to Writing a Book After Loss

My name is Beatrice Ongeri. I am a born-again Christian, God-fearing, an Author, a Teacher, a Trainer, a Speaker, a Human Resource professional, and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My calling is to reach out to the hurting world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The idea of writing a book came to me in the year, 2019, when I was going through a very challenging time in my life that caused me insomnia. One night in the middle of the night, God placed in my heart some book titles to write, and I was forced to wake up and write them down. However, I was caught up with so many involvements that, I was not able to write the books immediately until June last year 2023 after going through another challenging time together with my family.

I lost my two sisters following each other, one in April 2023 and another one in June 2023. Within May after Lying to rest my sister Lilian, my other late sister Naomi told me, “Beatrice, you have a lot of substance that you can share and encourage someone on Facebook. I was not a social media person, but I psyched myself to try it out and so I began sharing scriptures for encouragement.  Unfortunately, we lost Naomi again in June, and immediately after laying her to rest, back at home, it was now time for me to rest, mourn my two sisters, and heal from the traumatic events. Within that time, I felt God leading me to write my first book.

I found myself holding my laptop and typing my story.  And so, God gave me divine speed and grace to write my book and within one week, I was done sharing my life story, and the structure of the book was set to just back it up with scriptures. The whole process took only four months to the book launch. It is truly amazing how God works. Remember I had just finished serving my family with the role of working on the Eulogy booklets for my two late sisters and they were amazed and appreciated the work I did, burning the night oil to ensure that the work was done with excellence. So out of the most difficult time of my life the book, “The Promises of God Never Fail. Was birthed, and it was launched on the 29th of October 2023.

“The Promises of God Never Fails” is a life testimony of my life’s journey of challenges and experiences that I went through. It is built and anchored on the promises God has made in His word, even when it seemed like it would never happen, God came through for me in the areas of my health, employment, marriage, Children, and God’s provision and experience victory amid the challenges. Believing in God’s promises may appear easy, but holding onto the promise until it is evident is the most difficult part which this book seeks to convey to every reader.

Through my journey of finding God to be true to His word, ” The Promises of God Never Fail” Is written to;

  • Encourage anyone who is trusting God for any kind of breakthrough in life to come through for them. 
  • It is for everyone who desires to know the secrets of encountering breakthroughs even in times of adversity or hopelessness. 
  • It is like a guidepost to humanity, helping them prepare for the unknown future and trust in the ability of the Most High God to see them through. 
  • It is a manual for preparation and therapy for those going through some challenges in this precious life.

” The Promises of God Never Fail.” Can be used for personal devotionals, small group discussions, or cell group conversations.


What’s in the book? 

  • God’s Miracle on My Health.
  • Miracle Job with An International NGO
  • Marriage Miracle – Breaking Cultural Barriers
  • The Miracle of a Baby After Seven Years of Waiting.
  • God Preserved My Life from A Complicated Pregnancy.
  • God’s Protection and Restoration amid COVID-19.
  • The Way to Your Miracle.
  • God’s Promises In Regards To Your Situation.
  • Scriptural-Based Actions of Faith.
  • Examples of People Who Waited on God in The Bible.
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3 months ago

Thank you for sharing your story, very inspiring 🙏

4 months ago

Thank you Beatrice for this wonderful piece God’s promises always stand blessings to you and may God give you more ideas for your writing journey so that you can continue to be a blessing.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tina Vundi
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